How can I renew my items?
You can renew your items at home by logging into your library account.
- Log in to your account with your library card and pin.
- Click current loans.
- Select the individual items you would like to renew or you can click the “Renew all” button.
- Click "Renew selections”.
- Your item is successfully renewed if you see a green “Renewed” box. If we are unable to renew your item you will see a red box with an explanation.
If you have any questions about renewing your items, please contact us.
Alternatively, you can download the Northern Beaches Library app and renew your loans anytime, anywhere!
What are my log in details?
Your Borrower ID is under the barcode of your library card.
Your PIN is the first four digits of your birthday (DDMM).
If you are having issues signing in, please contact us.