Monday, 2 November 2020

Celebrated annually on 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the significant role of science in society and the importance of discussing emerging scientific issues.

In recognition, we want to share five new titles that discuss various scientific topics.

The Science of the Ocean, various contributors

Published in association with the Natural History Museum, this book explores every corner of the oceans, from coral reefs and mangrove swamps to deep ocean trenches.

Meteorite: the stones from outer space that made our world, Tim Gregory

Every rock has a story tell and none more so than those which have fallen from the sky.

Aliens among us: extraordinary portraits of ordinary bugs, Daniel Kariko

With more than sixty photographs of pill bugs, silverfish, moths and other household insects, this book depicts a hidden world flourishing in our homes.

The sky atlas: the greatest maps, myths and discoveries of the universe, Edward Brooke-Hitching

This richly illustrated book showcases the finest examples of celestial cartography as well as medieval manuscripts, paintings, ancient star catalogues, antique instruments and other curiosities.

The Contact Paradox: challenging our assumptions in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, Keith Cooper

In the Contact Paradox, space journalist Keith Cooper tackles some of the myths and assumptions that underlie the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.