We have a large collection of titles available, both fiction and non-fiction, by remarkable Indigenous authors. From this selection, we have picked five titles for adults that we recommend you read in recognition of NAIDOC Week.
The Yield, Tara June Winch
This title is the story of a people and a culture dispossessed but is as much a celebration of what was and what endures and a powerful reclaiming of Indigenous language, storytelling and identity.
Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe
Bruce Pascoe through this award-winning title, puts forward an argument for a reconsideration of the hunter-gatherer tag for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians. This title won both the Book of the Year and the Indigenous Writer's Prize in the 2016 NSW Premier's Literary Awards.
Dark Emu is also available to borrow as an eAudiobook through BorrowBox, without waiting.
My tidda, my sister : stories of strength and resilience from Australia's first women, Marlee Silva
Featuring colourful artwork by Indigenous artist Rachael Sarras, this title shares the experiences of many Indigenous women and girls, brought together by author and host of the Tiddas 4 Tiddas podcast, Marlee Silva.
Too Much Lip, Melissa Lucashenko
From award-winning Indigenous writer Melissa Lucashenko comes a gritty and darkly hilarious story about offering redemption and forgiveness where none seem possible. This title was the winner of the 2019 Miles Franklin Award and was shortlisted for the 2019 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards Prize for Indigenous Writing.
Not just black and white : a conversation between a mother and daughter, Lesley Williams
This title is the memoir of two remarkable women, mother and daughter, whose inspirational story shines a powerful light on the history of black and white relations in Australia. Their differing perspectives illuminate what it's like to be an Indigenous woman in Australia, then and now.
Recommended reads for kids
Cooee Mittigar: a story on Darug songlines, Jasmine Seymour
Cooee Mittigar, meaning Come Here Friend, is an invitation to yana (walk) on Darug Country. This picture book therefore tells a story on Darug Songlines, introducing children and adults-alike to Darug Nura (Country) and language.
The lost girl, Ambelin Kwaymullina
A beautiful story of how Mother Nature helps a lost girl find her way back to her family.
Finding our Heart: a story about the Uluru Statement for young Australians, Thomas Mayor
Thomas Mayor's journey around Australia with the Uluru Statement has been a moving experience. This book is the result of the inspiring conversations he had with children.
Welcome to Country, Joy Wandin Murphy
When permission was granted to cross the boundary of an Aboriginal community, a ceremony called Welcome to Country took place. Each community had its own way of welcoming to country and they still do today.