
Wheelchairs basketball training session at the Dee Why PCYC. Photograph supplied by Alec Smart @alecsmart_fotos

Thursday, 5 January 2023

The Sun Run is just weeks away and one team of locals who will be pushing their way to the finish line is Wheelchair Sport NSW/ACT. Their team of 20 will be raising much needed funds to support wheelchair sports across Sydney and Canberra.

Next month a skilled team of rollers will be participating in the yellow 7km start as a combination of people living with disability, and their supporters, who can lend a hand if required.

The course is tough! Whilst participants will enjoy great views of some of the best beaches in the world, participants will also tackle hills through Dee Why, Freshwater and Queenscliff.   Paralympians Lisa Edmonds and Koen Jansens will be leading the charge, with 9 year old Rafferty Stevens bringing his youth and stamina to the team.

Wheelchair Sport NSW/ACT CEO Mick Garnett says their mission at Sun Run, as with all their programs and events, is to positively change the lives of people with a disability through participation in sport.

“Sun Run is a great opportunity to get together and do something fun as a group while we raise money to buy chairs for our Wheelchair NSW basketball team.  Many of our under 13 team currently hire or lease their wheelchairs and we want to raise enough funds at Sun Run to buy wheelchairs for them,” explains Garnett.

This outstanding organisation doesn’t just support wheelchair basketball or love participating in fun runs, it has established support cross 9 different sports in ACT and NSW and has 1200 members. Wheelchair Sport NSW/ACT supports the careers and recreational interests of wheelchair athletes from a grass roots and community level, all the way to the world of elite sports.

Mick Garnett says it’s a community of champions big and small, who simply get in behind one another to take up the challenge of living with a disability and playing sport.

Mayor Michael Regan says Council is committed to providing services and events to everyone. “Our Accessible Event Guidelines are designed to support not only our own events, but those delivered by third parties to be more accessible for our community and visitors.

“We are excited to be working with Mick and his team at Wheelchair Sport NSW/ACT to promote the amazing things the organisation does in our community. By participating in the Sun Run we highlight that when events and activities are inclusive it provides greater choice and control in the lives of all members of our community and is key to enabling all people, including those living with disability, to fully participate in community life,” Mayor Regan said.

Mr Garnett adds that his organisation would not be the thriving community it is today without the ‘many wonderful athletes, volunteers, partners and community members who have contributed to building wheelchair sport up over the years’.

“We stand on the shoulders of the incredible pioneers who built this organisation since 1961 and are continuing with our commitment to creating an even brighter future for wheelchair sport in the years ahead.

“If you know someone who wants to come rolling with us in a safe and inclusive environment, please let them know they are welcome at our place.” Garnett said.

Sun Run aims to raise over $70,000 for hundreds of charities and takes place on Saturday 4 February with 5,000 participants expected. Entries are still open and you can choose to participate alongside the team of rollers in the 7km event or take on the 10km course, children under 5 can run for free.

To enter visit www.sunrun.com.au

The Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT team is looking to raise $5,000 through the Sun Run.

To show your support and make a donation visit https://sunrun2023.grassrootz.com/wheelchair-sports-nsw-act/wheelchairsportsnswact