Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), you’re entitled to see a lot of the information we hold in Council records. In fact, GIPA creates new rights of community access. It also encourages routine and proactive release of information, and we can release different information to you in different ways.
Council Land Register
Council has released a map of all land owned, vested in or under its control. Find out more
Data Breach Public Notification Register
Part 6A of the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 (PPIP Act) establishes the Mandatory Notification of Data Breaches Scheme (MNDB Scheme).
Details of data breaches are published in this register when the act requires a person affected by a data breach to be notified but it is not reasonably practicable to notify them individually.
Open Access (Mandatory Proactive Release)
This covers information routinely available on our website, free of charge. It includes media releases and annual reports, meeting agendas and minutes, Council policies and other information. Do a search for anything else you need.
Disclosures of Interest
Council’s ‘designated persons’ (under 4.8 of Council’s Code of Conduct) must make disclosures about their pecuniary interests at least annually via a Disclosure of Interest Return. View the returns
You may also view details of political donations and electoral expenditure disclosed by political parties, elected members, candidates, political donors and others on the NSW Electoral Commission’s website.
Proactive Release
Council is authorised to publicly release any other information it holds, unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. Any information that is identified as being in the public interest and can be made publicly available will be, unless to do so would impose unreasonable additional costs to Council.
Informal Release
Persons unable to locate open access information they are seeking on the website may need to lodge an informal GIPA request. Informal request applications are usually processed within 20 working days from receipt (although during times of high volume this can sometimes be longer). Council will not charge a fee for lodgement or processing of an informal request application. Informal GIPA requests usually involve house plans, council meeting minutes, development applications, complying development certificates, construction certificates, occupation certificates, building certificates etc. Operational questions should be addressed to the appropriate office or department.
Apply online or print the form.
Formal Release
Information not publicly available as open access or under an informal request application may require a formal access application. This may include information relating to Council data, third parties, personal information(if not the personal information of the applicant) and business or commercial information. A $30 application fee applies. Please note further processing charges may apply to formal applications in accordance with Council’s adopted fees and charges. Formal access applications are processed pursuant to Part 4, of the GIPA Act, within 20 working days (with provision for an extension of up to 15 working days in certain circumstances). In some cases, consultation may be required and information may be released subject to an agency applied public interest test.
You can apply online, or print an application form and bring it in to any Customer Service Centre.
What if my formal application is refused?
If your access to information is refused, you can lodge this GIPA Internal Review form with the Northern Beaches Council within 20 working days after you received notice of the decision. A fee applies.
GIPA Disclosure Log
Details regarding access applications for information that are likely to be of interest to other members of the public have been published in this GIPA Disclosure Log.
Former Council's information
All other information may be provided on request. Apply online or print the form.
More information
You can find out more about your right to information and the ways you can now access NSW government information on the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website. If you have questions about your application, just call our Customer Service Team on 1300 434 434.
Privacy statement
Northern Beaches Council is committed to collecting personal information in line with legislative requirements. This privacy statement demonstrates our commitment.
Privacy policy
Our Privacy policy describes the principles we follow to manage the personal and health information that Council collects from our community.
Privacy management plan
The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 include various principles which apply to Council’s management of personal information, known as “Information protection principles” and “Health Privacy Principles”. The Privacy management plan describes the practices council will follow to comply with these principles.
Data Breach Determination
The purpose of the Data Breach Determination is to provide guidance to Council staff in responding to an eligible data breach of Council held personal information. The Data breach public notification register includes notifications in instances where it is not practicable to notify individuals of a data breach.