Our public toilets are usually open during the day and locked at night. Some are open 24 hours.
National Toilet Map
The National Toilet Map website shows the location of more than 19,000 public and private public toilet facilities across Australia.
The map includes facilities located in parks, streets, train stations, shopping centres and retailers.
Useful information is provided about each toilet, such as location, opening hours, availability of adult and baby change rooms, accessibility for people with disabilities.
Find toilet facilities along major travel routes or shorter journeys - especially convenient those with young families, holidaying or travelling to new locations.
MLAK key access
‘MLAK’ signed toilets are locked at all times and only accessible with an MLAK key. This key allows people with disability access to these dedicated public facilities 24/7.
If you have written authority from your doctor/disability organisation you can request a key through any locksmith. They can also be borrowed from Council lifeguards.
Find out more detailed information and key request forms at Master Locksmiths.