Sport and exercise are a big part of our life on the Northern Beaches. We have hundreds of sportsfields as well as tennis courts, netball courts, golf courses, skate parks and much more.

You can also use our interactive map to discover sporting facilities in the area

Sportsfields status (wet weather)

Find out the status of Northern Beaches Council sportsfields. Search by name, facility or category and if they are open...


Booking outdoor spaces

Northern Beaches has hundreds of outdoor areas you can book for an event.


Seasonal Sport Use

Council has over 120 sporting grounds, hard courts and training facilities such as cricket nets that cater for a wide...

Sportsfield photo

Fields and venues

You can find all our Northern Beaches sportsfields updates here as well as your closest basketball court, skate park, golf...


Sports associations

There are over 50,000 people participating in a variety of sports on the Northern Beaches. Choose a sport, find a...

Sports Associations.jpg

Pesticide spraying program

Council undertakes seasonal weed control in turf on sportsfields and some high use reserves.


Running a business on Open Space

Under the Local Government Act (1993), anyone wishing to run a business on public land requires approval from Council.

Food truck on a reserve