
From addressing Council, to works zones and everything between, you’ll find a complete list of Northern Beaches Council forms here. If you can't find the form you're looking for or need further assistance please contact us on 1300 434 434. 

Fees and Charges

Statutory fees come into effect on 1 July each year.

View current Fees and Charges document

* Please note - a 0.5% surcharge applies to all credit / debit card payments.

Forms Search

Enter a keyword to search the title and/or description for general results. To find a specific form, please use quotation marks - eg. "Church Point Carpark" or enter the unique form number.

Note - Some forms need the free Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view or print them.

Access to Wharf or Ramp for Offshore Operations

Apply for access to a Council wharf or boat ramp in order to conduct offshore operations (Scotland Island and Western Foreshores). Examples include transporting heavy machinery for private works or the removal of goods / delivery of supplies to residents.

Form #4131
Address Council - Public Address

Requests to address Council on items on the Agenda must be submitted by 12pm on the day of the meeting

Form #3002
Address Council - Public Forum

The Public Forum is to address a Council meeting in relation to any one matter related to general business of Council but not the subject of a report on the meeting agenda - to be submitted by 12pm on the day of the meeting:

Form #3003
Annual Fire Safety Statement - Request for a Stay of Penalty Notice

Building owners who are experiencing challenges in submitting an Annual Fire Safety Statement to Council within 12 months after the previous statement or fire safety certificate was issued, may apply for a Stay of Penalty Notice.

The form allows owners to request additional time to submit the statement, by providing reasons with supporting information to show their commitment to fire safety regulations and to avoid penalties.

Form #2099
Beach and Rockpool Bookings

Book online to hold a small or large event on a beach or at a rockpool such as Surf Life Saving events, swimming lessons, annual swim clubs and surfing competitions. 



Form #10002
Beach Parking Permit Application

Apply for a Beach Parking Permit which allows free parking in designated beach permit parking areas

- Permits expire on 31 August each year and are valid only if used in accordance with the instructions on the back of the permit.
- Permits can only be purchased by Northern Beaches Residents
- A maximum of 2 additional permits may be purchased per property by Northern Beaches Residents only. Proof of residency MUST be provided.
- Permits are NOT VALID at Rowland Reserve, Church Point Parking Precinct or Woorak Reserve Car Parking Areas - find out more.
- Council takes no responsibility for permits not received via post.

Please refer to the Policy for details

Form #3024
Beach Wheelchair Loan Application

A Beach Wheelchair or Freewheeler is a wheelchair with soft balloon tyres that rolls easily over sand and even into low waves. It can be hired by a support person, so a person with disability aged 5 years and above, can enjoy a great day out on the beach with family and friends.

Beach Wheelchairs are available at Manly, Collaroy, Freshwater, Newport and Bilgola beaches and are free of charge.

To book for Manly and Collaroy beaches, you can make a booking request via the below online portal links and select a date and time you would like to hire the beach wheelchairs:

Beach Wheelchair - South Steyne Beach

Beach Wheelchair 1 - Collaroy Beach

Beach Wheelchair 2 - Collaroy Beach

Pool Wheelchair - Collaroy Beach Rockpool

To book for Newport and Bilgola beaches, contact the relevant surf clubs directly:

For more information, contact the Open Space Bookings Team on 02 8495 5009 or

Form #
Building Information Certificate Application

Building Information Certificates can be obtained from Council to indicate existing structures are consistent with the Building Code of Australia and have the appropriate approvals.

Step 1 – Application checklist

To prevent unnecessary delays processing your application, please ensure:

- All property owners have signed the Owners’ Consent
- All supporting plans and documentation in relation to your application

Step 2 – Lodge application

Lodge application via the NSW Planning Portal.

Form #10003
Building Information Certificates Lodgement Requirements

This form outlines for the lodgement requirements for the submission of a Building Information Certificate application and outlines the mandatory document requirements and provides detail on the information that needs to be included for each document type.

Failure to provide the information as outlined in this form, may prevent the application being accepted by Council for assessment.

Applicants may contact Council’s Building Control Team on 1300 434 434 should they need assistance in confirming what documentation is required.

Form #2111
CCTV Footage Request
Northern Beaches Council operates a CCTV camera network in the area around The Corso, Manly Wharf and Manly Art Gallery. Information is recorded for law enforcement purposes and shall only be disclosed to persons or bodies who have a legitimate and lawful right or interest in the information recorded.
Form #3004
CEC Venue Hire

Book the Coastal Environment Centre for your next event, training seminar or conference.

Form #4031
Church Point Carpark Reserved Parking Space Additional Coupon

Submit a form to apply for an additional coupon if you already hold a Church Point Reserved Parking Space permit. Reserved space holders can apply for up to three additional coupons per space.

Form #4171
Companion Animals (Pets)

The NSW Pet Registry is for pet owners and breeders can create an online owner profile, update your details, notify if your dog or cat is missing, register ownership changes and pay registration fees online. 

Alternatively use these forms and submit to Council. Find out more about registering your pet.


Annual permits for non-desexed cats and restricted and dangerous dogs

In addition to their lifetime pet registration fee, annual permits will be required by owners of: 

  • Cats not desexed by four months of age are required to pay an $96 annual permit fee
  • Dogs of a restricted breed or formally declared to be dangerous are required to pay a $230 annual permit fee.

Pay for annual permits using the NSW Pet Registry website or in person at local Council offices. Find out more about annual permits.

Form #10001
Compliments and Complaint Forms

Compliments and complaints help us to understand what we’re doing well, and where we can improve our service to our community, so making it easy for you to have your voice heard is important to us.

We value your feedback and are committed to understanding any concerns you may have and dealing with them promptly and without prejudice.

Form #3005
Complying Development Certificate – Council Certifier

All homeowners on the Northern Beaches are now required to lodge their Complying Development Certificate Applications via the NSW Planning Portal.

Prior to lodging your CDC application, please follow these steps to ensure you lodge an assessment ready application.

Form #10004
Corso Entertainment Application Form
Form #
Crane Airspace Approval Application

Prior to the placement of any type of crane on private land that will be operating in the air space of a public road or footpath.

Form #4120
DA Pre-Lodgement Meeting

Development Application (DA) Pre-Lodgement meetings provide the applicant an opportunity to obtain preliminary advice on development proposals prior to lodgement of a formal DA.  Meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays remotely.

Form #2102
Design Sustainability Advisory Panel (DSAP) Meeting

A DSAP meeting is required for major development proposals including boarding houses, multi-unit housing, SEPP 65, or large commercial or industrial development. The application fee includes a DSAP meeting followed by a Pre-Lodgement meeting.

DSAP meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month and Pre-Lodgement meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Form #2100
Development Application & Modification Lodgement Requirements

Council has developed a Lodgement Requirements guide to assist applicants in preparing their Development Application for lodgement. The guide includes lodgement instructions, as well as the mandatory documentation Council require. Documentation required will depend on the nature of the development proposal, the location of the site, and any site constraints. Applicants may contact Council’s Development Advisory Service on 1300 434 434 should they need assistance in confirming what documentation is required.

Refer to our Lodge your Application page for Planning Portal registration and lodgement instructions and Frequently Asked Questions.

Form #2060
Development Application & Modification Lodgement Requirements for Small Business 23/24

Refer to this guide when preparing to lodge a Development Application, Modification Application or Review of Determination Application for a small business.

The guide is a streamlined version of the standard DA lodgement requirement form, to remove those supporting documents which are not generally required for small business development applications.

Form #2107
Driveway Delineation Application

To install two L-shape delineation lines on either side of the driveway to assist vehicular access to the private property

Form #4035
Embellishments Permit
  • Please read this form and supplied information carefully before completing the application.
  • Council will not accept incomplete applications or illegible information.
  • Application Fee is to be paid at time of lodegment.
  • Copy of current Public Liability Insurance Policy must be provided with the application.
Form #4144
Erect or Alter a Monument or Headstone

Apply for a permit to add an inscription to an existing monument, upgrade a monument or construct a new monument or landscaped garden bed at the Mona Vale or Manly Cemetery.

Form #4064
Event Booking - Major
Form #
Event Booking - Small and Medium Scale

Book online to hold a small or medium event on an open space venue (e.g park, reserve or beach). Please note restrictions may apply to certain venues.


Form #10005
Filming and Photography Application

Anyone wishing to film must obtain approval from Council to film on any of Council's roads or land. Please complete a filming application using our online booking portal with as many details and supporting documentation as possible.

You will have to create a login and password, to be able to send a booking enquiry to the Open Space Bookings Team.

Choose 1 out of the 8 general filming spaces listed on the landing page. Please do not try to search for a location it will not provide you any options for this type of request.

Please fill out the details including the location/s and start date via the questionnaire. The requested venues will be added to your booking. 

Please note that at least 10 days-notice should be provided for Council to assess your request.  

Form #4009
Fire Safety Certificate

A fire safety certificate is issued by or on behalf of a building owner when new building work is complete. The certificate confirms that a properly qualified person has installed and checked the measures listed in the fire safety schedule. This helps verify that the measures can perform to the minimum standard.

Certificates must use the Fire safety certificate template.

Form #2011
Fire Safety Statement

A fire safety statement is a document issued by or on behalf of the owner(s) of an existing building.

The statement confirms that a competent fire safety practitioner has assessed, inspected and verified the performance of each fire safety measure that applies to the building.

An annual fire safety statement must be issued each year and include all the essential fire safety measures that apply to a building. The statement also verifies that a competent fire safety practitioner has inspected and confirmed that the exit systems in the building are in compliance with the Regulation.

Form #2009
Fitness Trainer Permit

All fitness trainers must use this form to apply for a permit to operate on Northern Beaches Council public open space. Please note restrictions do apply to some locations.

Form #4002
Flood Information Report Application

To request flood information (flood levels, maps) for the purpose of a DA and general information.

Please check Council's Flood Hazard Map before applying to determine whether the property is identified as flood affected.

If you are not sure which report you require, please contact Council's Flood team on or 1300 434 434.

Form #4030
Food Event Registration

Use this form to apply for registration of an event which will include temporary food stalls / mobile food premises.

Form #2052
Food Premises Advisory Inspection Checklist

This form can be completed to request an inspection, prior to sale or purchase of a business, prior to occupation, or for the purpose of a fit-out consultation.

Where this inspection is being requested to provide sign off for a final inspection prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, you are required to complete all the fields of this form to verify that critical works have been completed prior to booking the inspection.

Note: A new food business must submit a Food Business Owner Details Form to Council’s Environmental Health Team and obtain a registration number prior to submitting this form.

Form #2050
Footpath A-Frame Signage Permit

For approval to display A-Frames on the footpath, please contact Customer Service directly on 1300 434 434.

Form #4075
Footpath Merchandise Approval

For approval to display goods on the footpath in order to encourage customers to enter the premises, not to carry out business or financial transactions on the footpath. View the policy

  • The purpose of a footpath merchandise approval is to permit business owners to display goods on the footpath, in order to encourage customers to enter the premises, not to carry out business or financial transactions on the footpath.
  • By virtue of S.68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) a person must not, without the prior approval of Council, expose or allow to be exposed (whether for sale or otherwise) any article in or on or so as to overhang any part of a public road or outside a shop window or doorway abutting the road, or hang an article beneath an awning over the road.
Form #4076
GIPA Internal Review

This form should be used if you wish to apply for internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). You must lodge this form within 20 working days after notice of the decision was given to you.

Form #3033
Heritage Exemption Application

To seek exemption under s.5.10(3) of the LEP from the requirement for development consent for works of a minor nature or for the maintenance of a heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place of heritage significance, archaeological site, or within a heritage conservation area. 

Form #2032
Hoarding Permit Application Form

You’ll need this permit if you plan to erect hoardings or other construction facilities on Council property. This includes overhead hoardings, scaffolding, site fencing and site offices. 

Approval for these structures is required under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.

Form #4017
House Renumbering Application

Apply for a house renumbering when you need to change your existing street number and address, when your current address is not suitable (not to be used for the allocation of numbers to newly constructed dwellings).

Form #4119
Information Access - Formal Request

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), you’re entitled to see a lot of the information we hold in Council records.

Online application

As part of the online application you will need to upload a completed Online Application form with details of your request. Note: changes should only be made to the document once it's been saved or printed.

Paper application

Alternatively, you may complete a paper application and submit to Customer Service

Fees and Charges

There is an application fee of $30.

In certain circumstances, additional charges for processing may also apply.


Form #3028
Legal Documents Authorisation

Signing and extinguishment of positive covenants and restrictions as per user including on‐site stormwater detention system required under Section 88 of the Conveyancing Act 1919. 

Please refer to the below documents for guidance on how to submit an application and wording for annexures. For waste-related covenants, refer to Appendix E to H of the Waste Management Guidelines - Appendices.

Form #4023
Manly Dam Booking Application Form

Manly Dam has four picnic areas around the lake with over 30 picnic tables.

You can now book picnic tables online.

Form #4012
Manly Parking Permit Scheme - Multi-use permit

A multi-use parking permit may be used for visitors, tradespeople and carers of a rateable residential property.

Form #3042
Manly Parking Permit Scheme - Replacement permit

Use for replacement of Manly residential, multi-use, business, car share, support worker, or special issue parking permits only.

Form #3046
Manly Parking Permit Scheme - Special Issue permit

Council recognises the value that charities, schools, volunteer and not-for-profit services provide to the local community. Provision is made for special issue parking permits to exempt these organisations from time limits in existing Manly parking permit scheme areas sign posted  ‘permit holders excepted’.  Find out more

Form #3043
Occupation Certificate – Council Certifier

Before a building can be occupied, an Occupation Certificate must be obtained.

All homeowners on the Northern Beaches are now required to lodge their Occupation Certificate Applications via the NSW Planning Portal.

Prior to lodging your SC application, please follow these steps to ensure you lodge an assessment ready application.

Form #10006
Oral History Interview Consent

Give your permission for Northern Beaches Council Library to use all or part of your interview for research, publication, broadcasting or public borrowing and for all copies in all formats to be kept in the Local Studies Collection.

Form #3018
Out of Work Hours Application

Conditions of consent restrict the hours of construction. On occasions there may be a need to work outside these set times. Council provides a process to assess and permit out of hours work. An urgency fee applies for any permits that require processing within 48 hours. Urgent applications must be made no later than 3pm in order to be processed the same working day.

Please review the conditions before applying for the Out Of Hours Works Permit to make sure you can comply with the requirements.

Form #2037
Outstanding Notices Application Form

A Section 735A & 121ZP Outstanding Notices certificate lists any outstanding notices and orders issued by Council in respect of a parcel of land.

Form #2042
Owners Consent Form - Development Application

From 1 January 2023 the EP&A Regulation 2021 requires written land owners consent for all Development Applications, Modification Applications and Review of Determination Applications where the applicant is not the owner. Applicants must ensure all relevant owner’s details are provided in both the Planning Portal and on this form to prevent delays. Refer to the Development Application Lodgement Requirements for further information.

Form #2097
Parking Permit - Operational Commercial Vehicle - Manly Parking Stations

For businesses that meet the eligibility criteria to apply for a parking access card for their operational commercial vehicle to access Manly Parking Stations (Saturdays and Sundays only)

Form #4102
Parking Permit- Late Night Worker Manly Parking Stations

A $5.50 flat fee is available every day to late night workers in Manly. A pass card will be issued to permit holders. Entry must be after 5pm and exit after 9pm.

Form #4164
Pensioner Concession Application Form

Ratepayers experiencing genuine financial hardship may apply for concessions in accordance with Council’s Rates and Annual Charges Hardship Policy

Form #1002
Planning Agreement - Pre-lodgement Meeting Request

Pre-Lodgement meetings are an avenue for proponents to receive preliminary advice on the applicants offer to enter into a planning agreement with the Northern Beaches Council.

Applicants should read Guide to Developers and be familiar with Council’s Planning Agreement Policy and Section 7.4(2) of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

Form #2104
Planning Agreement Offer Application

Planning agreements are a legal arrangement made between a person (developer) and planning authority / authorities (such as Council) to dedicate land, monetary contributions, or material public benefits for public purposes.

Make an Offer to Enter into a Planning Agreement with Council, following a Pre-lodgement meeting. More information is available on our Planning Agreements webpage.

Form #2108
Planning Certificate (Section 10.7 or S10.7)

This legal document provides you with the zoning of your property which assists in identifying all applicable rules. Planning certificate S10.7 is also known as zoning certificate (formerly section 149).

Please ensure that details (i.e. certificate type, property and contact details) are correct before lodging an application.  Council is unable to issue refunds for incorrectly entered information, duplicate applications, or for change of mind.

Form #2005
Planning Proposal - Pre-Lodgement Meeting Request

Pre-lodgement meetings are an avenue for proponents to receive preliminary advice on proposals. The types of applications that may be considered at these meetings include, but are not limited to concept plans, a change in zoning & proposals for site specific Development Control Plans. Find out more

Form #2006
Planning Proposal and Amendment to a Development Control Plan Application

A Planning Proposal and amendment to a Development Control Plan is a formal planning process which, when complete, alters the range of activities permissible on a site. This may increase or decrease the range of permissible uses or controls.

Form #2084
Political Donations and Gifts Declaration Form

Council disclosures

This form may be used to make a political donations and gifts disclosure under section 147(4) and (5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act 1979 for applications or public submissions to Northern Beaches Council.

NSW Government Election disclosures

NSW electoral funding laws have changed. Find out who is responsible for complying with electoral funding requirements, what disclosure requirements are required (and when), and requirements for accepting and using political donations.

Form #3001
Pre-paid Parking Permit - PCYC Parking Station

Short-term pre-paid parking

For short-term pre-paid parking (up to 1 week or between 1 & 2 weeks), you will need to request an invoice by emailing

Overnight and long-term parking

  1. Please complete the online application (links below).
  2. If you would like to set up monthly payments, please fill in the direct debit form. You will asked to upload the form when filling in the online application.
Form #4103
Principal Certifier

Appoint Northern Beaches Council as the Principal Certifier (PC) for a new building development OR for the appointment of Council to replace a Private Certifier (ie transfer of the PC role to Council). Note: The owner(s) and not the builder, must sign and complete this form.

Please note that the completed form must be submitted with the rest of your application documents via the NSW Planning Portal

Form #2004
Private Certifier Certificates

As of 1 July 2021 all Complying Development Certificates, Construction Certificates, Occupation Certificates, Notice of Commencement and Appointment of Principal Certifiers issued by a Private Certifier are required to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.

Northern Beaches Council will no longer accept lodgement of any Private Certifiers Certificates after this date.


Form #10007
Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 establishes a system to encourage people who work in the public sector to report serious wrongdoing without fear of reprisal, such as adverse treatment, intimidation or being sued for defamation. A report of wrongdoing made under the provisions of the PID Act is known as a Public Interest Disclosure (PID). 

Corrupt conduct, maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money, breach of the GIPA Act, and local government pecuniary interest contravention are examples of serious misconduct. 

A report can be made using this form, in writing or verbally to any level 5 and above staff member (Team Leader, Manager, Executive Manager, Director, CEO) who will then report your PID to a Nominated Disclosure Officer, or you can report directly to any Nominated Disclosure Officer or the Complaints Resolution Team

Form #10012
Rates Direct Debit Request

Complete this Direct Debit Request to authorise Northern Beaches Council to arrange for funds to be debited from your account on the due date as stated on the Rates and Charges notice.

Form #1003
Regulated Systems Warm Water & Cooling Towers Registration

This form is to be used for the registration of a new Regulated System(s) or the change of business details to an existing premises with regulated system(s).

Form #2043
Request to run a business on open space

Under the Local Government Act (1993), anyone wishing to run a business on public land requires approval from Council. This includes fitness trainers, learn to schools, mobile services, sports clinics and hire services.

A permit to run a business on public land can be applied for via our online booking portal. 

Form #4011
Scotland Island Access Permit

Application for owners and tenants of Scotland Island to apply for a Scotland Island Access Permit for resident vehicles and service vehicles.

Read our frequently asked questions and the Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan


On-site permit issue and vehicle inspection days

Council staff and authorised inspectors regularly visit Scotland Island to issue permits, and preliminary check buggies and unregistered light utility vehicles (Note - if your vehicle is already registered inspection is not required).

An inspection fee of $80 will apply (note this is a third party inspection fee, not a Council fee).

The next inspection day appointments will be announced soon (required for logistical purposes and to meet the Covid-safe requirements).

Should you require any further information please call 02 8495 6808.

Form #4140
Sporting Events Bookings

Book online to hold a sporting event or activities on a Council sportsfield before 4pm and during school holidays.

Please fill out the Sports Event booking form for all requests after 4pm and for use of the following venues during school holidays:

  • Warriewood Valley Sportsground Fields 1-3
  • Cromer Campus NBSC
  • Freshwater Senior Campus NBSC
  • Narrabeen  Sports High School Synthetic Field

To enquire about the use of Brookvale Park, Manly Oval and North Narrabeen Reserve - Pittwater Rugby Fields 1 and 2 (Rat Park), please fill out the relevant form below.


Form #4013
Stand Plant Application

To place a crane/concrete pump or any other type of plant including excavator, scissor lift, boom or cherry picker on Council road carriageway

Form #4054
Stormwater Management Services Charge - Request for Exemption


The Stormwater Management Services Charge (SMSC) is an annual rates notice charge to eligible properties, authorised by Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulations 2021. Income raised through this charge supports improvements to the drainage system to protect people and properties from flooding, the health of our waterways and provides opportunities for the harvesting and reuse of stormwater.

The SMSC is generally levied on privately owned urban land that is categorised for rating purposes as residential or business, excluding vacant land.

From the information available to us, we assess if your land meets the exemption criteria before we levy the charge.

If we have charged you the SMSC, but your property meets at least one exemption criterion, you can apply for an exemption.

Form #10008
Strata Subdivision Certificate and Termination of Strata Plans

All Strata Subdivision Certificate (SC) applications on the Northern Beaches are now required to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.

Prior to lodging your SC application, please follow these steps to ensure you lodge an assessment ready application.

Form #10009
Subdivision Certificate Application Form

Subdivision Works Certificates are now lodged via the NSW Planning Portal

Form #4020
Subdivision Works Certificate Application

Subdivision Works Certificates are now lodged via the NSW Planning Portal

Form #4137
Swimming Pool Barrier Exemption Application

Request an exemption from swimming pool barrier requirements of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 that are impracticable or unreasonable or alternative provision for restricting access to the swimming pool.

Form #2021
Temporary Food Stall Application & Checklist

Individual stall holders should complete this form to apply for Temporary Food Premises in Northern Beaches Council area.

Form #2046
Temporary Ground Anchors (Road Reserve)

For the installation of temporary ground anchors under Council’s footway/road reserve. Council does not approve temporary ground anchors under private properties.

Form #4018
Tie-Up Facilities on Wharf - Church Point Commuter, Cargo Scotland Island, Bell, Carols and Careel Bay

Apply for a temporary licence to tie-up at Church Point Commuter, Cargo Scotland Island, Bell, Carols and Careel Bay

Form #
Traffic Control Application

To Implement a Traffic Control Plan/Traffic Management Plan including Construction Traffic Management Plan, whenever traffic is being managed on the road pavement or footpath area but where an application to stand plant is not required

Form #4053
Tree Removal and Pruning Application

Online application

As part of the online application you will need to upload a completed Tree Removal Site Plan (PDF template), with details and owner's consent. Note: changes should only be made to the document once it's been saved or printed. 

- Only to be used together with the online form

Paper application

Alternatively, you may complete a paper application and attend a Customer Service Centre. Payment is required at the time of submission.  

Form #4000
Unit Numbering for Multi-Unit Developments

This form is to be completed and relevant documentation submitted to Council, in accordance with the relevant Development Application condition. For Residential, Commercial & Industrial Multi-Unit Developments

Form #2091
WAC Pool Party Enquiry Form

Enquire about a super fun inflatable party for your child without having to worry about the mess.

Form #4078
Wedding Ceremony Application Form

Book online to hold a Wedding or Commitment Ceremony on a Council open space venue (e.g park, reserve or beach). Please note restrictions may apply to certain venues.


Form #10011
Working on and Access to Reserves Permit

A 'Working on Reserve' application is to be used for:

  • Residents or contractors requiring access to or through a park/ reserve to undertake works on a private property.
  • Utilities, State agencies or developers wanting to locate a depot, store machinery or materials on a park/ reserve while working at nearby locations.

A Working on Reserve permit can be booked online via our booking portal. 

Note: Do not search for a specific location / venue (including streets/roads), the system will not provide any options for a Working on Reserves request. 

The booking link below will take you to the working on reserve section. If you move off this landing page, just search again using the words - 'working on reserve'

Choose 1 out of the 10 general Working on Reserve venues listed on the landing page. You will be required to fill in the details of your request, including the location and start date via the questionnaire. Please note that at least 10 days notice should be provided for Council to assess your request.

Form #100000
Works Zone Application

A Works Zone is a signposted parking restriction allowing construction vehicles engaged in construction work in or near the Work Zone to stand at the kerb.

There are 2 types of Works Zones that you can apply for.

Primary Zone:

  • Neighbourhood Centre (B1)
  • Local Centre (B2)
  • Commercial Core (B3)
  • Mixed Used (B4)
  • Enterprise Corridor (B6)
  • Business Park (B7)
  • General Industrial (IN1)
  • Light Industrial (IN2)
  • Medium Density Residential (R3)
  • Tourist (SP3)
  • Any location where the Work Zone impacts on the time-restricted or metered / paid parking.

Standard Zone:

  • Any other location within the Northern Beaches LGA not noted above.


Form #4052