When a development application (DA) is large, complex, or has regional or other special significance it is referred to a Determination Panel for a decision. Find out about the Panels that operate in the Northern Beaches.
Design and Sustainability Advisory Panel (DSAP)
The Design and Sustainability Advisory Panel provides high-level, independent, expert advice on urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and sustainability for significant applications and planning proposals. This ensures the promotion and delivery of high-quality built environments which feature design excellence and sustainability.
The panel reviews SEPP 65 applications, other residential development such as multi-unit housing, boarding houses, seniors living houses, as well as large commercial and industrial applications.
Development Determination Panel (DDP)
The Development Determination Panel (DDP) is an internal Northern Beaches Council body that has delegated authority to make decisions (known as determinations) on DAs and other related applications of local significance.
Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP)
The Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP) will assess all relevant development applications within the Northern Beaches Council area. This panel replaced the NBIAP on 1 March 2018.
Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP)
If the capital investment value of a DA is over $30 million and/or it has regional significance it will be referred by Council to the Sydney North Planning Panel for determination at a public meeting. At the meeting, the panel will consider the DA and hear from stakeholders and members of the public. After hearing submissions, the panel may make a decision about the DA or recommend another course of action.