The Northern Beaches have some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and picturesque bushlands ideal for filming and photography.
Think lighthouses, rock platforms, rolling dunes, native bush and bomboras. From Palm Beach’s perfect white, endless sand which feature in Home and Away, to Manly's vibrant town centre, to Duffy’s Forests unspoilt native forest. The Northern Beaches has something to offer everyone.
Other popular film and photographic locations include Deep Creek Reserve, Bayview, Shelly Beach, Little Manly Point and Little Manly Beach, Forty Baskets Beach.
Approval for filming
Anyone wishing to film must obtain approval from Council to film on any of Council's roads or land. Please complete a filming application using our online booking portal with as many details and supporting documentation as possible. You will have to create a login and pw, to be able to send a booking enquiry to the Open Space Bookings Team.
Approval from Council for filming on privately owned land is not normally required. However, we recommend you contact us if you feel the filming may impact on the street or neighbors.
News crews do not need approval to film on Council land.
How to make a booking enquiry
You can make a booking filming request via our online booking portal, this process reserves the date and venue and sends it to Council for assessment.
When submitting a filming request via our online booking portal choose any one of the 8 general filming spaces listed on the landing page, please do not try to search for a venue or location it will not provide you any options for filming. You will be prompted to provide the filming details including the location/s and start date via the questionnaire.
You must create a login and password, to submit a filming enquiry to the Open Space Bookings Team. Please note that at least 10 days-notice should be provided for Council to assess your request.
Please feel free to contact us should you wish to know the status of your approval. Every effort will be made to send the approval documentation to you as soon as possible, ensure your application is submitted in ample time to process.
Once the application is approved you will be sent a booking contract, conditions of use and an invoice.
Fees and charges
Refer to the Parks and Recreation section of the current fees and charges . Please note that late applications may incur an additional processing fee.
Things to consider when filming on the Northern Beaches
If you are filming in one of our metered car parks, please contact us to pre-arrange parking permits. These will be charged at the relevant adopted fees and charges. Adherence to all on street parking time limits and restrictions is expected throughout the shoot.
Traffic Impacts
Any requests to close roads or car parks or effect traffic must be accompanied by a Traffic Control Plan. This plan must be prepared by a Roads and Maritime Services authorised person. Filming on state or regional roads must be approved by the Transport Management Centre before you seek Council approval.
Use of drones
Flying drones is becoming more popular for recreation and business, however did you know that there are rules and regulations that you need to abide by?
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is the governing body for drone and model aircraft use in Australia. If you are looking to fly a drone you should be familiar with and abide by the CASA - Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 101
Complaints surrounding the use of drones in your area or on Council Land, can be reported to CASA.
Events which involve the use of drones on Council owned or managed land will require a booking. Bookings can be made via the Reserves Bookings team on 8495 5009 or email openspacebookings@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Private Filming
Filming on private property within the LGA requires notification to Council. To assist us to help manage the impact of film related activities in our region, please consider providing details regarding the size and scale of your filming, including parking and traffic management plans. Notifications and supporting documents are to be sent to openspacebookings@nothernbeaches.nsw.gov.au.
Anyone wishing to film must obtain approval from Council to film on any of Council's roads or land. Please complete a filming application using our online booking portal with as many details and supporting documentation as possible.
You will have to create a login and pw, to be able to send a booking enquiry to the Open Space Bookings Team.
Choose 1 out of the 8 general filming spaces listed on the landing page, please do not try to search for a location it will not provide you any options for this type of request.
Please fill out the details including the location/s and start date via the questionnaire. The requested venues will be added to your booking.
Please note that at least 10 days-notice should be provided for Council to assess your request.