The draft 2020/21 $433 million Budget and Delivery Program 2020-2024 is on public exhibition and Council invites you to provide feedback through a number of different ways over the next few weeks.
Here’s an overview of what to expect:
- A reflection of our time
The health and safety restrictions put in place by state and federal governments to keep the community safe from the threat of COVID-19 changed not just the way Council operates but also the needs of our community. The proposed 2020/21 budget will see funding for key support initiatives continue, such as the Business Support Plan and the Community Care Package along with other new support measures. Council plans to invest in vital improvements and renewals, like footpaths, sportsfields and surf clubs, which will support the economic recovery of our region.
- Relief and subsidies for ratepayers
Council is offering a 50% subsidy on the 2020/21 increase in rates and domestic waste charges which will be reflected as a credit on all annual 2020/21 rates notices.
This recognises the financial pressure being felt by the community now but also ensures we can continue to fund essential services into the future.
It is one of a range of measures to help our community through this challenging period:
- 50% subsidy in the 2020/21 increase in rates and domestic waste charges providing $4.3 million in financial assistance to all ratepayers.
- Extension on due date for first 2020/21 rates payment provided to all ratepayers.
- No changes applied to fees until 1 October, saving the community $700,000.
- Financial hardship support for impacted ratepayers to defer rates payments and waive associated interest.
- Caring for our community
Our Community Care Package continues Council’s commitment to maintaining social connection, upholding community safety, providing essential services and supporting the most vulnerable who live in the area. That includes the expanded Meals on Wheels service, the new Library2U home delivery service, adolescent and family counselling online and direct support for local agencies on the front line helping those in need.
In partnership with the State and Federal Government, our childcare centres and preschools will also provide free services for up to six months, providing financial relief to families.
- Supporting our local businesses
The proposed budget also continues funding support for our local businesses and tenants, many of which are feeling the brunt of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Business Support Package includes fee and rental waivers, deferrals as well a range of other measures to support our local businesses as they try to navigate the ever-changing situation.
- Investing in building and improving the beaches
The capital works program seeks to not only provide infrastructure for the future but also contribute to the local economy which is essential for our region’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed budget will invest over $92 million in our parks, surf clubs, cycleways, footpaths, roads and environment infrastructure, plus keeping on top of our extensive maintenance program. It includes construction of Mona Vale and Long Reef SLSCs, construction of the Narrabeen Lagoon pedestrian and cycle bridge and over $2.2m in new footpaths.
- Focusing on the future
This proposed budget responds to the critical needs of our community today but also with future generations in mind. It ensures we don’t leave debt and failing infrastructure to the communities of the future. Further cuts to staffing or rates will result in the loss of service, increased debt along with reduced investment in infrastructure, which will have lasting impacts on our area. The proposed budget tries to balance the needs of our community now but also keeping an eye on the needs in the future.
- Managing the impact of COVID-19
The forecast economic result from closed and impacted services and our community support packages is $8.7 million net cost for the remainder of 2019/20 and a further $7.3 million in losses is anticipated next financial year. The proposed budget also extends our community support to include a ratepayer subsidy and extend the implementation of fee changes, at an additional cost of $5 million.
The proposed budget seeks to employ a range of strategies to manage this impact while continuing a focus on the ongoing support and care packages for the community, and the deferral of some capital programs.
- Continuing to find efficiencies
Since amalgamation, we continue to find efficiencies and the proposed 2020/21 budget meets our target for a reduction of $2.75m in operating costs for the year.
- Building a path to recovery
The aim of the proposed budget is to respond in addressing the needs of our community during this global pandemic, providing the right support to our ratepayers and local businesses while setting ourselves on a solid path to economic recovery and not leaving a legacy of debt for future generations.
10. We need to hear from you
Please have a look at what is proposed, check out what is planned for your area in 2020/21 and have your say.