We’re all feeling the pinch lately and with sky-rocketing energy costs, some of our local businesses are doing it tough.
To help our local businesses that are large energy users (above 160MWh/year, or with approx energy spend $32,000) to stay afloat and to reduce our community’s carbon emissions, we’re working towards facilitating a group Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
A renewable electricity PPA is a direct agreement between a renewable energy supplier and a buyer. A PPA can help local businesses make significant savings on their energy bills, offset carbon emissions and improve their environmental footprint.
For large energy users a group PPA allows businesses to scale up their buying power and is far more affordable and easier than going it alone.
Last year, we sought expressions of interests from energy providers to understand options and different approaches in the marketplace. Council has now agreed to negotiate with two shortlisted providers to finalise the terms surrounding the facilitation of a 100% renewable energy, group PPA.
Since installing solar panels on our buildings and entering our own PPA with Iberdrola, who owns the Bodangora Wind Farm in regional NSW, Council’s own annual electricity costs are expected to be slashed by a staggering $2.4 million over the next seven years.
We have committed to reducing our emissions to net zero by 2050 and initiatives such as this are helping us achieve that goal.
There are more than 32,000 businesses on the Northern Beaches who together contribute 38% of carbon emissions, of which around 70% is from electricity.
If your business would like to be involved in the group PPA visit our website.
If your business operates on a smaller scale, please join our Sustainability Business Network for advice, including working towards net zero, and Greenpower to source your renewable energy.