Whether you’re pulling an all-nighter to get that uni assignment finished, wanting some “me” time to read your book in peace and quiet, or to get in before the crowds arrive, Forestville Library will now be accessible 24/7 permanently.
Following a successful three-month trial late last year, the initiative will become permanent at Forestville Library.
Since COVID, Council along with the community, has adapted and changed how we work and study.
This branch now provides a state-of-the-art, modern, flexible workspace for everyone from entrepreneurs, small business owners, and students when they need it, outside normal business hours – it’s a win for everyone.
This branch was chosen due to the dramatic changes in the area with the new hospital precinct and the rapid increase in urban dwellings proposed in the new town centre.
Entry after hours is only possible if you’re a member of the library, 16 years old and over, and have completed a site and safety induction which can be booked through the library website
The entire space is open plan allowing visibility of members at all times. In an emergency panic alarm buttons, when pressed, will call for a police response.
Not a member? Join now and enjoy the benefits of this great community facility.