Thursday, 29 June 2023

We’ve had a purriffic response to our Keeping Cats Safe at Home photo competition with 730 entries showcasing local felines living their best life at home.

We’ve partnered with RSPCA NSW on the Keeping Cats Safe at Home program – a four-year education project funded by the NSW Government to encourage cat owners to adopt a safe-at-home lifestyle, protect their favourite feline from outdoor threats and reduce their impact on native wildlife.

With an estimated 50,000 domestic cats living on the Northern Beaches, there’s every reason to keep them safe (through all nine of their lives).

Yet according to RSPCA NSW, 2 out of 3 cat owners have lost a cat to a roaming-related accident, and 1 in 3 to a tragic car accident! That’s why we are encouraging cat owners to keep their pets indoors to protect wildlife and keep cats safe from motor vehicles hazards.

In addition, when cats are roaming, the local wildlife is unsafe and at risk as cats are natural hunters so keeping your cat indoors keeps both them and our native fauna safe.

Cat owners were invited to capture their feline friends in their natural habitat - the cosy confines of their lounge rooms.

The response to the competition has been overwhelming, with hundreds of cat owners expressing their love and affection for their furry companions. The entries reflect the joy and contentment experienced by cats in their indoor environments, where they can play, lounge and explore without the risks associated with outdoor living. 

With so many entries, it was difficult to choose the 25 winners and outstanding entries who receive vouchers to spend at to build a dream cat enclosure at home, ensuring they’re a connoisseur of comfort for many years to come.

The fantastic response highlights the dedication of cat owners in our community and their commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for their feline family members and our precious wildlife.

Winning entries

Outstanding entries