Saturday, 21 September 2024

A monumental public artwork at McKillop Park Freshwater has won a Green Tick in the 2024 Australian Good Design Awards.

Signal Fire was commission by Council and designed by First Nations design studio mili mili, led by artist and creative director Nicole Monks.

The work is a powerful tribute to the enduring tradition and historical significance of signal fires – a sophisticated system of communication passed down through generations, over tens of thousands of years.

When Cook sailed the Endeavour up the east coast of Australia in 1770, First Nations people strategically lit signal fires along the headlands, to convey a message and a warning. 

Today, the work conveys an important message about the history of our nation and honours the world’s oldest living culture.  

The sophisticated and innovative design has now been reccognised, with a Green Tick from the Australian Good Design Awards.  

Congratulations to Nicole Monks and mili mili!

For more information about Signal Fire visit our website