Friday, 28 August 2020
There are so many fun and creative ways to use your left over veggies scraps- even your onion skins and carrot tops can be turned into something new!
Don’t believe us? Local chef from the Wholefood Home Suzanne Lambert has shared a few of her favourite recipes in a video:
This video has a text transcript
Suzanne’s food scrap recipes
‘On the way out’ greens pesto
You’ll need:
- Limp or wilting greens
- Any nuts you have on hand
- Garlic
- Lemon or vinegar
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- A sterilised jar
- First cut the ends of the wilting greens, chop them up and put in a blender.
- Add the nuts, garlic, a glug of olive oil, your lemon juice or vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste.
- Blend until it’s a smooth consistency.
- Put your mixture into a clean jar and serve on pasta.
- Store in the fridge
Veggie scrap broth
You’ll need:
- Wilted greens and veggie scraps which could include carrot or potato peels, celery ends, onion skins or herbs stalks
- A large pot
- Water
- Pop all your scraps and wilting greens into a large pot and add enough water so it covers the scraps.
- Bring it to the boil and simmer for an hour.
- Strain and store in in a clean airtight jar in the fridge for up to a week or freeze.
Apple peel vinegar
You’ll need:
- Apple cores and skins
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- Water
- Tea towel or other square of fabric
- Elastic band
- Sterilised glass jar
- Put your apple cores and skins into a sterilised glass jar.
- Add water, sugar and shake vigorously.
- Replace the lid with a clean tea towel secured with an elastic band and leave it to ferment for one to two weeks.
- Once it’s good and sour, strain off the apple and you’ll have a natural vinegar to use in your dressings and sauces.
- If any mould, yeast or other organisms appear it must be discarded.
Salt preserved lemons
You’ll need:
- Squeezed lemons
- Salt
- Sterilised glass jar
- First flatten your lemons.
- Add salt and a lemon and continue to layer until the jar is full.
- Put the jar in a cupboard for four to six weeks or until the rind is completely soft.
- Once opened, store in the fridge.
When you’re ready to use the preserved lemon in soups, stews, curries or wherever you would like a pop of citrus zing, simply rinse off the salt, chop up and use.
To find out other ways you can reduce food waste, visit our waste reduction webpage.