Northern Beaches Council will release a draft affordable housing policy for public feedback that would push for 500 new affordable houses (10%) in the Ingleside and Northern Beaches (Frenchs Forests) developments.
Council Administrator Dick Persson AM said the Affordable Housing Policy, Housing Needs Analysis and Draft Action Plan is a policy that is critical to the community and invites discussion and public debate.
“Affordable housing has significant consequences for relatively low paid workers, for businesses that are trying to attract key workers to the area and for young people trying to continue to live in the area they grew up in.
“Housing needs analysis data illustrates rising levels of ‘housing stress’ for the portion of households who are spending more than 30% of household income on housing costs as a result of property values, and the situation is worsening for very low to moderate income households trying to buy or rent properties on the Northern Beaches.
“Affordable housing is a complex challenge that requires cooperation between the three levels of government and developers,” Mr Persson said.
The draft policy advocates for more affordable housing by working with the relevant branches of State and Federal government; proposes to waive section 94A development contributions for any part of a development proposal comprising affordable rental housing and to establish clear targets for affordable housing on the Northern Beaches.
Consideration is also being given to providing affordable housing on any Council-owned land earmarked for development, lease or sale and would seek to tender for a Community Housing Provider to manage and deliver affordable rental housing.
“There is a lot to consider and we want this policy to have a beneficial impact, and that’s why we want the community’s input,” Mr Persson said.
The draft policy was initiated following an Administrator’s minute in December 2016 and has been led by Council’s Affordable Housing Strategic Reference Group. The draft policy will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days in April. Council will consult with the community and consider any submissions received following the exhibition period.