Australia Day 2023 major award winners
Nominate an extraordinary person, event or group for an Australia Day Award, and recognise their valuable contribution to improving the lives of others in our community.
This year’s Citizen of the Year, Rachael Leah Jackson, shared with us what motivates her to do amazing volunteer work for the most vulnerable members of the Northern Beaches community.
What inspires you to keep working with the many community groups you support?
I know how it feels to not have any support or family, and community is so important – it holds us together and keeps us standing when we have nothing left. Surviving homelessness, cancer, domestic violence and being adopted, I’ve been in survival mode my whole life and my drive is to pick those people up in our community who have had no one to help them and to support them.
What do you love most about organising the Christmas Carols event?
I love seeing the children’s faces when Santa comes. Every year we plan his entrance and the children light up. What they don’t know about is that they are helping sick children with children’s cancer research. With the help from some amazing local businesses we are able to pull off a huge event on a very small budget. Making a difference is what counts!
We also see that you are raising funds for Dalwood in Seaforth. Why are you passionate about helping this service?
As a young mum out on the street, I was escaping domestic violence and had three small kids under five – one with a disability who screamed a lot. Dalwood took me under their wing and helped me rebuild my life with pre-school for my son, counselling, and a safe place for me.
I cannot recommend this model of service more and fully believe in Dalwood and Kerry Qwynne and their team. They saved my life by believing in me and supporting me in my darkest hour. I want to give back and make sure the service continues for decades to come!
What do you feel most proud of in all of the volunteering work that you do?
If I make a difference to one person, then that is enough. One person rehomed, one cancer patient looked after, one elderly person having a person to talk to or helped with their shopping, one woman escaping domestic violence, knowing someone got them new furniture, giving them a tiny piece of their dignity back. One person with a disability having an advocate to bring accessibility to their lives. If I can be that one – unpaid, but yet present, I’m there, I follow through – then I will be that one person to make a difference for that one person in our community, because to me that one person matters.
We can all be the one to make a difference in our community.
How did it feel when you heard you had become the Northern Beaches Citizen of the Year?
I didn’t believe Mayor Michael Regan, I thought he was pulling my leg! I was humbled but I didn’t actually believe it was true until I received the award and thought, Wow, they see me, maybe my work matters and maybe the value of volunteering can be seen as the heartbeat of our community here on the Northern Beaches.
What would you say to someone thinking about nominating their local hero for the award?
Find someone who you believe in, who you know makes a difference, even if it’s just to you, not the many. One person can make a difference. One person can bring change and that one person’s acknowledgment can start with you!
Any future plans for other fundraising activities?
Oh, I’m always on a mission. My next event is the Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network Gala.
Beautiful Narelle from the Women’s Shelter has given me a job to plan this wonderful event. Given I have lived experience and a passion for change, I will be working with the community to make sure this event acknowledges every person who has faced violence and giving them a voice and a light to shine in the darkness. You matter!
The theme I picked is ‘to light up the night for all the lives lost to domestic violence’. Please come along and get behind this event.
The seven Australia Day Award categories:
- Citizen of the Year
- Senior Citizen of the Year (65 years or older)
- Young Citizen of the Year (under 25 years)
- Sportsperson of the Year
- Community Event of the Year
- Community Group of the Year
- Outstanding Community Service
This year an additional category has been introduced – Community Group of the Year and for the first time ever the Outstanding Achievement Award is open to non-Australian Citizens.
Nominations for the Australia Day Awards 2024 close Monday 30 October 2023. The awards ceremony will be held on 25 January 2024. Nominate here
Interested in being part of the Australia Day Awards judging panel?
We’re seeking expressions of interest from residents to fill community positions on the 2024 Australia Day Awards Assessment Panel. The purpose of the panel is to provide independent advice to Council on selecting the award recipients.
Nominations close 11 October 2023. Find out more