Monday, 5 August 2024

Cutesy, curious, and cuddly are the dominant themes of photos submitted by Northern Beaches entrants in this year’s Keeping Cats Safe at Home project.

No contorted position is im-pawsible for these feline fellas, they all look meow-vellous and it’s no wonder their humans are purr-fectly proud of their furry pals.

But sadly, the survival statistics are not good for cats who like to roam with two in three ‘outdoor’ pets likely to have an accident. And roaming is equally catastrophic for our native species, with cats each responsible for the demise of scores of reptiles, birds and mammals every year.

It’s why organisations like the RSPCA encourage cat owners to keep their felines indoors.

An alternative solution for keeping cats and wildlife safe is the use of secure outdoor spaces or cat enclosures. It’s also the purr-fect prize in our recent cat competition, with photos from pet parents across the Beaches judged by the veterinary folk at the RSPCA.

Cat enclosures are winging their way to our lucky cat owners as we speak.

And for us? With a gallery of claw-some cats now on show, we reckon that is the cat’s whiskers.

Learn more about keeping cats safe. We hope you’re feline it.