Council resolved on 15 October 2024 to acquire the subject land for future open space purposes under the Frenchs Forest Town Centre Section 7.11 Contributions Plan 2023, and that upon acquisition, publicly notify the proposal to classify the land as "Operational" land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
It is intended to reclassify the land to "Community" land in future when the land is required for open space to be added to Rabbett Reserve, Frenchs Forest.
In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council hereby gives Public Notice of its intention to formally resolve to classify the subject land as “Operational” land.
Submissions to Council regarding the proposed land classification may be made within 28 days of the date of this notice by:
- Completing the form below
- Emailing
- In writing to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, MANLY NSW 1655.
Enquiries: Council's Principal Planner - Property Commercial and Tourist Assets on 1300 434 434.
Submission close 25 November 2024.
Location Plan