The sport and recreation facilities at North Narrabeen Reserve, including the area commonly known as Rat Park, are set to get an upgrade and we want your input.
Community consultation has just opened, and we want to hear:
- what you love about the reserve
- how you use the reserve
- your ideas for improving the site and its facilities.
North Narrabeen Reserve includes Pittwater Rugby Park, playing fields, Pittwater Golf Centre, a commuter car park and recreation parking facilities.
Perhaps you visit the reserve to play organised sport, have a casual game of frisbee or attend one of the many community events including the much-loved North Narrabeen Reserve Markets. Whatever the reason, we want your feedback.
Your input will help us draft a new Masterplan and update the existing Plan of Management for the reserve.
The plans will consider and balance the current and future needs of all reserve users while respecting and enhancing the natural environment.
Have your say before comments close on Monday 5 December.