Pittwater and Wagstaffe Spotted Gum Forest occurs within the northern part of the Northern Beaches on the Barrenjoey Peninsular, Scotland Island and Western Foreshores of Pittwater. Remnant parcels of this vegetation community are typically small due to fragmentation from urban development. It is made up of both coastal dry spotted gum forest and coastal moist spotted gum forest.
The tree canopy layer is characterised by Corymbia maculata (Spotted Gum) and Eucalyptus paniculata (Grey Ironbark) and is associated with Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple), Corymbia maculata (Red Bloodwood), Eucalyptus punctata (Grey Gum), Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine), Eucalyptus botryoides (Bangalay), and Angophora floribunda (Rough-barked Apple).