Lantana is a fast growing shrub with brittle scrambling branches than can climb into trees. Stems are square with short prickles. Leaves are hairy and have a distinctive smell when crushed. It flowers all year round which is followed by a cluster of black berries.
Family: Verbenacea
Origin: Central and South America
Habit: dense shrub from 2 – 4 m high
Leaves: rough bright green on top, hairy and pale green underneath, opposite each other on stems about 10cm long and 2-8cm wide.
Flowers: in clusters, Flowers can be pink, red, orange, white and pink-edged red produced almost year round
Fruit: 6 – 8 mm in diameter, shiny, dark purple-black round berries. One seed per fruit.
Roots: shallow, mostly in the top 10 – 30 cm of soil
Dispersal: seeds are spread by birds and some animals that eat the fruit. Seeds are also spread by water, in soil, on machinery and garden waste.
General Biosecurity Duty
All plants are regulated with a general biosecurity duty to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risk they may pose. Any person who deals with any plant, who knows (or ought to know) of any biosecurity risk, has a duty to ensure the risk is prevented, eliminated or minimised, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Dig out taproot and large surface roots. Pile cut material off the ground to dry as thicker stems will take root into damp ground.