Located in Salt Pan Cove, Algona Reserve is a small example of bushland containing regionally significant plant species and acts as a local refuge for fauna and a stepping stone between larger areas of habitat.
The vegetation is Hawkesbury Sandstone Open-forest dominated by Sydney Peppermint (Eucalyptus piperita). The reserve protects a small example of bushland containing regionally significant species, namely of Cabbage Tree Palms stands which are very restricted in Pittwater
Grey Gums, a notable feature of Algona Reserve, form a stand in the mown upper part of the Reserve. These trees also have hollows suitable for other arboreal mammals, as indicated by numerous smaller scratch marks, and may be used by Sugar Gliders or the threatened Squirrel Glider. The understorey provide cover for small birds, reptiles and frogs.
Some animals which have been recorded in this reserve include: Eastern Rosella's, Grey Butcher birds, King Parrots, Powerful Owls, Rainbow Lorikeets, Striped Marsh Frogs, Whip Snakes and a Pacific Baza.
Wildlife Protection Area
Dogs must be on a leash at all times in this reserve and cats are not allowed here at any time. Find out more