The following committees have run their course and have come to an end.
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Community and Belonging
This Reference Group will consider goals and strategies contained within the Social Pillar; Community and Belonging (10- 12) of the Community Strategic Plan. Items presented to the group during the term may include Art & Culture, Community Services, Target groups (youth, seniors, CALD) etc. The Group’s clear focus will be on assisting strategic decision-making by Council.
Community Safety Committee
This concluded committee met six times per year and advised Council on community safety and crime prevention on the Northern Beaches, including:
- Security of open spaces and public areas, lighting, transport and event safety
- Community safety and crime reduction, prevention and detection initiatives
- Alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour
- Local crime hot spots and areas of community concern
- Relevant grant funding applications
- Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan
View the
Economic & Smart Communities
This Reference Group will consider goals and strategies contained within the Economic Pillar; Vibrant Local Economy (13- 15) of the Community Strategic Plan. Items presented to the group during the term may include Economic Dev Strategy, Business Support & Development, Destination Management Plans, Smart Cities etc. The Group’s clear focus will be on assisting strategic decision making by Council.
Implementation Advisory Committee
The new Council is committed to maintaining a high level of community representation with the local community. In May 2016 an Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) was established.
The Implementation Advisory Group played an important role in providing advice to the Administrator during the administration period. Members of the Implementation Advisory Group included:
- Jean Hay (Chair), Former Manly Mayor
- Michael Regan (Deputy Chair), Former Warringah Mayor
- Kylie Ferguson (Deputy Chair), Former Pittwater Deputy Mayor, Kylie Ferguson
- Alex McTaggart, Former Pittwater Councillor
- Jose Menano-Pires, Former Warringah Councillor
- Cathy Griffin, Former Manly Councillor
Ingleside Community Reference Group
The Ingleside Community Reference Group was concluded once the project was discontinued by NSW Government. This was in the Terms of Reference for this group.
Local Representation Committee
The Local Representation Committees (LRCs) were established in May 2016 to provide advice to the Northern Beaches Council Administrator during the administration period. The LRC comprised of 21 former Councillors and Mayors to assist in the development of the Community Strategic Plan and the successful implementation of the new Council.
The three committees, across Social, Environment and Economic themes, met regularly and concluded in August 2017. Membership is detailed below along with their meeting notes.
- Chair - Jean Hay AM
- Bob Giltinan
- Alex McTaggart
- Stephen Pickering
- Duncan Kerr
- Kay Millar
- Wayne Gobert
- Vanessa Moskal
- Chair - Kylie Ferguson
- Cathy Griffin
- Barbara Aird
- Hugh Burns
- Ian White
- Julie Hegarty
- Pat Daley
- Chair - Michael Regan
- Jose Menano-Pires
- Candy Bingham
- Sue Heins
- Alan Le Surf
- Roslyn Harrison
Mona Vale Performance Space Advisory Committee
As per Council’s resolution on 26 February 2019, this committee has been concluded.
Advisory Committee for the Mona Vale Performance Space Project acts in an advisory role to Northern Beaches Council for the development of the proposed Mona Vale Performance Space.
Council has committed to develop a feasibility study and a detailed business case, including business plan for the construction and operation of the project to ensure the project’s viability. The community members are required to have specialist skills in the development of new government infrastructure and/or community projects. Knowledge of performance venues, the performing arts, car parks and commercial retail development is highly desirable.
The Committee will meet approx. four times a year.
Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Consultation Committee
As per Council’s resolution on 28 September 2021, this committee has concluded.
The Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Consultation Committee acts in an advisory role to Northern Beaches Council for the implementation of the Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan.
This Committee is a Council appointed group. Membership of the Committee comprises up to 12 members representing the following:
- Mayor Regan (Chair)
- 3 Frenchs Forest Ward Councillors
- Minister for Education (or delegate)
- Minister for Health (or delegate)
- Minister for Planning (or delegate)
- Member for Davidson (or delegate)
- General Manager Planning, Place and Community from Council (or delegate)
- Director Urban Renewal from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (or delegate)
- Chief Executive Officer from the Greater Sydney Commission (or delegate)
- Director Open Space and Parklands from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (or delegate)
- View Terms of Reference and Charter
Partnership and Participation
This Reference Group will consider Goals and Strategies contained within the Civic Leadership Pillar; Partnership and Participation (21-22) of the Community Strategic Plan. Items presented to the group during the term may include Customer Experience, Community Resilience & Sustainability, Grants, Engagement, Events, Communications, Volunteering etc.
The Group’s clear focus will be on assisting strategic decision-making by Council.
Places for People
This Reference Group will consider goals and strategies contained within the Social Pillar; Places for People (7-9) of the Community Strategic Plan. Items presented to the group during the term may include Urban Planning & Design, Affordable Housing, Cultural & Built Heritage, Open space & Recreation etc.
The Group’s clear focus will be on assisting strategic decisionmaking by Council.
Public Art Working Group
As per Council’s resolution on 22 March 2022, this committee has been concluded.
Council’s Public Art Working Group assists in the delivery of the community’s vision for public art on the Northern Beaches.
The purpose of the Public Art Working Group is to assist Council in implementing the vision and goals of the Northern Beaches Arts and Creativity Strategy and public art objectives, which includes the delivery of the Coast Walk Public Art Strategic Plan and other public art projects initiated by Council.
The current Public Art Working Group is comprised of three councillors and expert community members, and will operate from September 2019 until September 2022.
Meetings are held quarterly, on a Thursday between 6pm and 8pm.
Transport and Travel
This Reference Group will consider goals and strategies contained within the Economic Pillar; Transport, Infrastructure & Connectivity (16-18) of the Community Strategic Plan. Items presented to the group during the term may include Transport Strategy, Transport & Urban planning etc.
The Group’s clear focus will be on assisting strategic decision-making by Council.