Council recognises the value that charities, schools, volunteer and not-for-profit services provide to the local community. Provision is made for special issue parking permits to exempt these organisations from time limits in existing Manly parking permit scheme areas sign posted ‘permit holders excepted’.
Requests for consideration to receive special issue permits are at the discretion of the CEO.
To be eligible, the charity, school, volunteer or not-for-profit organisation must be located within an existing Manly parking permit scheme area.
Please note that requests must:
- Be on official organisation letterhead or from an organisational email address.
- Provide a description of the services that the organisation performs in the community.
- Detail days and times that the special issue permit/s are required.
- Detail the total number of permits being requested (consideration is based on parking availability within the scheme area).
- Provide the preferred Manly parking permit scheme area for the requested permits.
Number of permits
The number of special issue permits will be dependent on operational requirements.
The decision to provide special issue parking permits will be at the discretion of the CEO.
Fees and charges
- Special issue not-for-profit parking permit - $28
How to apply
Please complete the application form and send or email your application to Council.