Over 6000 native trees, shrubs and ground cover will soon be greening spaces on the Northern Beaches thanks to the NSW Government’s ‘Greening our City’ initiative. The goal is to make the places we live and work greener, cooler, and more connected.
In partnership with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment , we’ve selected Curl Curl and Mona Vale as the locations for the native plant roll out. We will also be removing the tenacious weed species that have currently overrun both locations.
Location one - Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve, Curl Curl
Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve, Curl Curl was selected as the first location to receive the Greening our City treatment, with bush regenerators currently working to remove all weed species in the area before the planting of natives can commence.
The first planting at this site will likely commence in March 2024 once workers are certain all weed species have been eliminated.
This location will receive 1000 trees, 1000 shrubs and 1000 ground cover plants.
Location two – Mona Vale Dunes, Mona Vale
Mona Vale Dunes, Mona Vale has been selected as the second location with weeding expected to commence within the next few weeks.
The planting of trees, shrubs and ground cover is expected to commence in 2024.
This location will receive the same treatment as the Curl Curl site with 1000 trees, 1000 shrubs and 1000 ground cover plants being planted as a part of the project.
Community involvement
You can get involved and green up these spaces by helping with planting.
Council partners with residents to preserve and maintain areas of natural beauty right across the Northern Beaches through our Bushcare Volunteer program. Tools, training and guidance in bush regeneration techniques, and morning or afternoon tea are provided.
To get involved, contact the Bushcare Team at bushcare@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au.