Council is planning to make the Avalon Streets as Shared Spaces permanent following a high level of support from the community during the 12-month trial, and will seek funding to design upgrades and improvements.
The Streets as Shared Spaces was an action as part of the Avalon Place Plan adopted by Council in July 2022.
The key part of this project was a temporary trial of a one-way shared zone on Old Barrenjoey Road north, between Avalon Parade and Dunbar Park carpark to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety as well widening paths, the installation of temporary infrastructure including seating and planters to improve the streetscape of the area and changes to the bus stops.
Funded by the NSW Government under the Places for People program (Streets as Shared Spaces) work commencing in October 2022 and was completed in March 2023 when the 12-month trial began.
Feedback was sought from the community, visitors and business owners during the trial period with 1,680 submissions received. The feedback indicated a high level of support for the trial to either be extended or made permanent 67% (with 25% and 42% respectively), and 32% not wanting the trial extended or made permanent.
This week Council agreed for the project to become permanent with the works already installed to be maintained and further design works planned in the future to formalise and upgrade the amenity of the precinct, in keeping with the character of Avalon Beach.
Currently, there is not sufficient funds in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan to deliver the entirety of the Avalon Place Plan and as such it is proposed to seek grant funding to deliver future works.
Further works requested by the community including vegetated traffic calming and wider footpath garden areas and umbrellas will be subject to design, community consultation and funding being available.