On Tuesday 28 January 2025, Council resolved to apply to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Variation to rates. The application was submitted on 3 February 2025.
The resolution followed an extensive 8-week consultation process including a letter to every rate payer, face to face engagement and an opt-in survey.
You can read all or parts of the submission below.
Ratepayers can also understand what the proposal will mean for their property, view the minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting and see the background on the property by visiting the project page.
When will IPART make their decision?
IPART will undertake their own assessment including consultation with the community in the coming months. You can learn more about the IPART process and register for updates from IPART.
Council expect a decision on the application in May. The Council will then go through the annual budget process and put the proposed full budget and delivery program to the community for review and comment.
Why was a Special Variation considered?
The application is the result of the impacts of rising inflation on construction and materials and day-to-day Council operations, loss of income from the pandemic and massive cost shifting from other tiers of government threatening Council’s long-term financial sustainability.
The increases to rates applied under the NSW Government’s rate peg system (which is similar to a CPI for councils) have not kept up with the increasing external costs Council faces and this gap is increasing every year.
Without a Special Variation Council would need to cut the services the community reasonably expect us to deliver.
If approved, what will the additional funds be used for?
Additional funds will allow Council to continue to invest in quality services for our community, which will be used to:
- improve existing services
- invest in natural risk reduction programs such as stormwater works, bushfire protection and beach nourishment
- enhance environmental projects including bushland and invasive species management
- deliver larger renewal projects (e.g. renewal of the Warringah Aquatic Centre)
- address the asset renewal and maintenance gap
- improve roads and expand footpath programs
- establish a fund for natural disaster recovery.
What has Council done to cut costs?
Council has endorsed a comprehensive improvement plan to find millions of dollars in ongoing and new savings which will also form part of the IPART application.
These savings are on top of the $29.5m per year saved since amalgamation, which includes:
- $6 million in back office operating costs
- $7.4 million in agency personnel, insurance, fleet and employee costs
- $2.5 million annual savings through a renewable energy contract
- reduced interest by paying down $81 million in loans inherited from former councils.
What if I can’t afford my rates?
If you are experiencing financial hardship, we encourage you to apply for relief. Please contact us on 1300 434 434 and we will talk you through your individual situation and assist.
Please also visit this page for more information on support services available.