If you want to know how to obtain tender documents, how to lodge a submission, what certain terminology means and what the rules governing the tender process are, we have all the answers.
How can I obtain the Tender Document(s)?
Tender documents can be obtained by downloading through Northern Beaches Council e-Tendering website.
Can I lodge my submission via email?
Council does not accept submissions via email.
Options for lodgement of tenders (prior to tender closure) are:
1. The electronic tender box at tenderlink.com/northernbeaches; or
2. Place hard copy Tenders, Quotations or EOIs in a sealed package(s) with the title and Tender, Quotation or EOI number, in the tender box - ground floor Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099.
Can I lobby Councillors and staff?
No. It is not permitted and may result in disqualification from the tender process.
Can I submit my tender by facsimile?
Council does not accept submissions via facsimile.
Do I need an ABN?
All individuals and organisations lodging tenders with Council for provision of materials, equipment or services must have an Australian Business Number (ABN), and must be registered for goods and services tax. All submissions must clearly state the submitter’s ABN.
You can apply for an ABN online
Do I have to answer all the questions?
Yes you must try to answer every question.
Some questions are marked mandatory, pass or fail, if you do not answer those questions your tender will automatically be considered non-compliant.
How many copies of tender do I need to submit?
Lodgement via the electronic tender box is preferred.
If submitting a hard copy, the Tenderer is to submit tender as specified in the Tender Document, which may require an original plus two copies of the Tender to be submitted.
What is a Conforming Tender?
A Conforming tender is one that meets the conditions outlined in the request for tender document. Any tenderer scoring less than 50 on one or more of the assessed criteria will not be ranked nor considered further in the evaluation process.
Please refer to Evaluation Score Sheet for details of scoring.
What is a Non-Conforming Tender?
A tender is non conforming when there is an absence of any requirement clearly detailed in the conditions of tendering.
What is Best Value?
Council will base procurement decisions on a principle of “value for money” rather than “lowest costs”. The organisation will also give preference to, and purchase, environmentally performing products that are cost competitive, and organisations that operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
Is there an opportunity to negotiate the contract if I am awarded the tender?
There is no opportunity to negotiate the contract after the tender has been accepted. If you wish to offer alternative terms they must be submitted in full as part of your tender - these may not be accepted.