Calculate the running cost of your appliances
Appliances can account for up to 30% of your home energy use and the running costs of some electrical appliances can far exceed the purchase price, so energy efficiency is an important factor when considering overall long-term value. Find out the energy consumption and running cost of your home appliances, start with your fridge as it is one of the highest energy users in the home. Calculator
Replace your old energy guzzling appliance
Old and inefficient appliances could be making a huge dent in your house hold budget. For example a 10 year old fridge can cost $200 a year to run and generate 1.7 tonnes of greenhouse emissions. Search for registered products to find the most energy efficient product for you.
Set the fridge to 3-5˚C
Each degree lower requires 5% more energy. Setting the fridge to the right temperature will save energy and ensure your food is stored at a safe temperature. A simple thermometer will help you do this and there are many types to choose from online.
Check the seals of your fridge and oven
Do the $5 note trick! Place a $5 note halfway across the seal of the fridge or oven and gently pull it out. If you can feel some resistance then that part of the seal is working, repeat this trick along the entire length of the seal. If the note comes out too easily then you need to replace the seal.
Install a variable speed pool pump
Pools are great on a hot day but they just guzzle electricity. For households with one, the pump usually uses more electricity than anything else in the home. Choosing a pool pump
Eliminate the phantom load!
Appliances like TVs, phone chargers and computers in standby mode can account for 10% of your electricity bill. Switch off at the power point or use timers and powerboards with individual switches to help you eliminate the phantom load.
Dry clothes on the line or clothes rack and ditch the dryer
The Australian climate is perfect for air drying clothes. It is so good it lead to the invention of the famous Hills Hoist!
Wait until you have a full load before using the washing machine and dishwasher
Dishwashers use less water than hand washing but using a washing machine or dishwasher half full wastes a lot of water and energy. Wait until you have a full load and you will save energy and time.
Wash your clothes in cold water
Switch to a cold wash every time and cut 50 to 85 per cent of your running costs. More info on washers and dryers.
Use your dishwasher correctly
Aside from only running the dishwasher when it’s full, you can do a few other things to save energy. Don’t use hot water if you do a pre rinse, use the economy cycle and avoid the drying cycles by pulling the draw out instead.
Energy rating labels
The labels, which indicate a star rating according to the appliance’s energy efficiency, are mandatory throughout Australia. They allow you to compare different products and work out how much they will cost to run.
Disposing of appliances and e-waste?
Our rubbish and recycling pages have lots of information on how to dispose of your appliances.