The Little Penguin is the smallest species of penguin in the world, standing 30cm tall and weighing around 1kg. Their scientific name translates to ‘good little diver’!
We are fortunate to have the only remaining Little Penguin breeding colony on the NSW mainland in our own backyard. Every May, penguins come ashore around Manly Point and North Head to breed and raise their young. They inhabit these areas through to the following March.
Penguins under threat
Manly’s Little Penguin colony is listed as an endangered population under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, and there are limits on certain activities within their declared habitat area. These restrictions allow penguins to safely build their nests, breed, raise their young, feed and moult. However there is still work to do, as the colony continues to be threatened by boats hitting them, fishing lines and hooks, rubbish, habitat disturbance, and predators such as foxes, dogs and cats.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment regularly monitors the status of the penguin colony. At last count, the colony was estimated at 29 breeding pairs (2022-23 breeding season).
Watch out, penguins about!
While the best place to see a Little Penguin in Sydney is at a zoo or aquarium, they can also sometimes be spotted foraging in the harbour, or gathering just offshore in groups (or 'rafts') waiting to come onto land during the breeding season.
Knowing the areas where penguins may be rafting and foraging helps to improve their protection and management.
If you spot a penguin in the harbour or anywhere else within the Northern Beaches, please let us know.
How you can help
There are a number of things you can do to help ensure the survival of Manly’s Little Penguin colony. These include:
- Keeping your dog on a leash at all times when walking around foreshore areas.
- Keeping your cat contained to your property and taking it in at night.
- Reporting any roaming dogs, cats or foxes in foreshore areas to Council on 1300 434 434.
- Reporting injured or dead penguins to Sydney Wildlife on 9413 4300 or WIRES on 1300 094 737.
- Reporting anyone harming penguins or their habitat to the NSW EnviroLine on 131 555, or the NPWS Duty Ranger (after hours) on 02 9457 9577.
- Always adhering to speed limits while boating in North Harbour.
- Reporting your penguin sightings to species.sightings@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
- Contacting Council’s Planning Enquiry Service on 1300 434 434 for advice if you are planning to undertake a development in Little Penguin habitat.
- Help keep the beaches safe for penguins by joining the Manly Penguin Wardens
Further information
For further information about Manly’s endangered penguin population, please see the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website.