
Littoral Rainforest is a closed forest occurring only on the coast of Eastern Australia. This community is defined by the regularly actions of the ocean and exposure to salty winds. This community is usually found on deep high nutrient slate and basalt derived soils and sands, some stands which occur on headlands exposed to strong winds may take the from of dense, wind-prunes thickets.

The plant species of this community are predominantly rainforest species with moist, evergreen, leathery leaves and vines may be a major component of the canopy.  Canopy species include Syzygium leuhmannii, Acmena smithii, Ficus spp and Livistona australis. Whilst dominated by rainforest species this community can also contain plants such as Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal banksia), Eucalyptus botryoides and Eucalyptus tereticornis may also be present