
Swamp Oak Floodplain forest community is found on coastal floodplains around our lagoons and waterways. On the Northern Beaches this community occurs and would have occurred with other coastal floodplain vegetation types including Coastal Saltmarsh, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest of Coastal Floodplains, River-flat Eucalyptus Forest and Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains.

Swamp Oak Floodplain areas contain a dense to sparse tree layer dominated by Casuarina glauca (swamp oak) and Melaleuca ericifolia (Swamp paperbark). Shrub and ground layer plants are characterised by frequent occurrences of of vines such as Parsonsia straminea (Common Silkpod), Geitonosplesium cymosum (Scrambling Lily) and Stephania japonica (Snake Vine) shrubs include Persicaria decipiens and Viola spp and grasses/sedges Gahnia clarkei and Carex appressa.