Loud music, barking dogs, power tools - depending on the time of day, these can all be considered noise pollution. The Northern Beaches Council and NSW Police share responsibility for regulating noise pollution, and there are guidelines you can follow to do the right thing.
NSW Vibrancy Reforms
The NSW Government has implemented new Vibrancy Reforms with an aim to boost NSW’s night economy. Regulation around noise, planning and liquor licensing has been streamlined, updated and simplified through the NSW Government’s 24-Hour Economy Legislation (Vibrancy Reforms) Amendment Act 2023.
Amendments to relevant pieces of legislation will result in entertainment sound emanating from licensed premises being solely managed through the Liquor Act 2007. This means that noise-related conditions of development consent and ‘offensive noise pollution’ laws will no longer apply when such matters are regulated by the Liquor Act 2007.
Since 1 July 2024, Council is no longer the appropriate regulatory authority (ARA) for entertainment sound-related complaints for all licensed premises. The Vibrancy Reforms will designate Liquor & Gaming NSW as the newly designated ARA. This means that Council no longer has legislative powers or authority to take action in relation to these matters.
Noise complaints from entertainment and sound emanating from licensed premises will need to made directly to the Office of Liquor and Gaming using the Report a Breach Form or by contacting their office on 1300 024 720. Council will not be able to accept or refer complaints.
Visit the NSW government website for further information on the Vibrancy Reforms.
Times when noise is prohibited
It’s only fair that your neighbours should be able to enjoy their own property. Equally, it’s also fair that they don’t stop you from enjoying yours. You can easily check all residential time restrictions (Opens in a new window)on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment website. Be mindful of when noise from residential premises should not be heard inside a neighbour's residence.
When noise is not allowed
During these times, noise should not be heard in a habitable room in a neighbour's residence:
Power tools and equipment
- 8pm–8am Sun and public holidays
- 8pm–7am Mon–Sat
Air conditioners and heat water pumps
- 10pm–8am Sat, Sun and public holidays
- 10pm–7am Mon–Fri
Musical instruments, TV, hi-fi, all amplified sounds such as PA's and music events
- 12am– 8am Fri, Sat or any day before a public holiday
- 10pm–8am any other day
- 8pm–8am Sat, Sun and public holidays
- 8pm–7am Mon–Fri
Noise not regulated by Council
Some noise is expected to occur as part of a healthy natural environment in either Council's parks and reserves or private property such as mating calls of frogs, birds or cicadas. Council does not have regulatory powers to take action in these circumstances.
There are also activities or premises where Council is not delegated to enforce noise nuisance. This may include premises or activities that hold an Environmental Protection Licence with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) or entertainment noise from premises with a Liquor Licence issued by Liquor and Gaming NSW. In these circumstances the licence issuing state agency regulate noise from the activity not Council.
What to do when it’s too loud
Try talking to your neighbour or the person causing the noise first. They may not realise their noise is a problem and be happy to oblige. It’s always better to solve the problem yourself by being solution focussed. If possible, make contacting the Council or local police a last resort.
Where to get help
It can be hard to approach people with issues relating to noise. You’ll find a lot of valuable information on dealing with neighbourhood noise on NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website. There is information to help you regarding barking dogs, intruder alarms as well as noise from vehicles.
Consider Community Justice Centres (CJC)
If talking to your neighbour isn’t an option, or doesn’t work and noise continues, try contacting a Community Justice Centre (CJC) for free mediation. It’s a government funded but independent body that specialises in settling differences between individuals without starting legal processes. They can help you and your neighbour find a peaceful resolution.
How to report noise pollution
If all else fails, please report your noise pollution issue. Please include the time, date and duration of the noise, the type and sound of the noise, the likely noise source and your contact details. If you need to place an urgent complaint, contact your local police station.
The Reporting Process
To make a report to Council about residential noise, you will need to first log a customer request as explained above. After receiving your reference number, Council will review your request and provide guidance on the next steps in the process.
Before lodging a request, you are requested to review the below definition of offensive noise under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
Offensive noise means noise:
- (a) that, by reason of its level, nature, character or quality, or the time at which it is made, or any other circumstances:
- (i) is harmful to (or is likely to be harmful to) a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted, or
- (ii) interferes unreasonably with (or is likely to interfere unreasonably with) the comfort or repose of a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted, or
- (b) that is of a level, nature, character or quality prescribed by the regulations or that is made at a time, or in other circumstances, prescribed by the regulations.
Council has power to regulate noise from a fixed source on residential or commercial property when it is deemed offensive but will not regulate the following noise sources;
- After hours behavioural noise such as people talking loudly, parties or amplified music.
- Noise from an EPA licenced premise or premise with a liquor licence.
- Noise in an area and not from a specific location.
In addition, please consider the following questions as a guide when lodging an enquiry with Council:
- Is the noise loud in an absolute sense? Is it loud relative to other noise in the area?
- Does the noise include characteristics that make it particularly irritating?
- Does the noise occur at times when people expect to enjoy peace and quiet?
- Is the noise atypical for the area?
- Does the noise occur often?
- Are a number of people affected by the noise?
If the majority of the answers to the above questions are yes, then you are encouraged to raise an enquiry with Council's Environmental Health team for further investigation and where applicable appropriate enforcement action.
Useful links
- Community Justice Centre (CJC)(Opens in a new window)
- NSW Industrial Noise Policy(Opens in a new window)
- Dealing with noise brochures(Opens in a new window)
- Department of Planning, Industry and Environment(Opens in a new window)
- Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997(Opens in a new window)
- EPA Noise Pollution(Opens in a new window)
- NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)(Opens in a new window)
- Report a noise pollution issue(Opens in a new window)