Council is seeking to appoint a new community member to the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Advisory Committee (the Committee), in the role of Ratepayer/Community representative.

The Narrabeen Lagoon State Park covers Crown Land over and surrounding Narrabeen Lagoon. The Committee was established in 2014 and its role involves providing advice to Council as the Trust Manager of the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Trust.

The Committee is composed of:

  • 4 community members: an environment, recreational, business and a ratepayer/community representative.
  • NSW Government / landowner groups, the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council and Council representatives. 

Community members are appointed for a 4-year term and are eligible for reappointment with a maximum of two terms. Meetings are held twice per year - online and periodically in person.

To nominate please complete the form below. Nominations close Wednesday 13 November 2024.

Please refer any enquiries to Team Leader Catchments on 1300 434 434 or email:

To assist in answering the questions please refer to the:

Privacy protection notice

Purpose of collection: For applicants expressing an interest in becoming a member of the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Advisory Committee.
Intended recipients: Council staff.
Supply: For correspondence purposes 
Access/Correction: Contact the Customer Service Team to access or correct this information on 1300 434 434
Storage: Northern Beaches Council, 1 Belgrave Street, Manly NSW 2095

View Privacy Policy.


Your details
Please list any relevant community group you are a member of and the nature of your affiliation.
Your application
Do you commit to the general conduct obligations outlined in the Northern Beaches Council Code of Meeting Practice?
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20 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx.