Building Information Certificate Fee Quote Request
A Building Information Certificate allows Council to retrospectively consider building works carried out without having first obtained the necessary approvals or where a property is being sold.
To request a fee quote, please complete the relevant request form and we will email you a quote for your application.
Building Information Certificate online quote request
Building Approvals Fee Estimate
Use the tool below for Complying Development Certificate, Modified Complying Development Certificate, Construction Certificate, Modified Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificate and Critical Stage Inspections.
The tool is based on proposed building work identified in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 or for modification of a Complying Development Certificate previously issued by Council.
Development Applications, Modifications and Review of Determinations
Council has developed a tool which allows applicants to calculate the fees payable on their Development Application. The tool is based on information relevant to the project, such as the estimated cost of works, and is in accordance with the statutory fees applying under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021.
How are application fees calculated?
Council calculates application fees for applications lodged via the NSW Planning Portal based on criteria including the estimated cost of works, the type of application, the number of proposed lots, external referrals, inspections, legislation, and other administrative processes. These fees will vary depending on the application and the cost of works.