Public notice
Revocation / cancellation of unused grave interment (burial) rights - Mona Vale Cemetery
Under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 (Part 4, Section 52.4.b) Council gives notice of the possible revocation of interment rights in Mona Vale Cemetery issued prior to 1 January 1970.
The proposed revocation only affects graves that do not contain burials.
The persons listed below (or their heirs and successors) may claim their entitlement by contacting Cemetery Services on 1300 434 434 before 21 June 2021.
A transfer application (and applicable fee) may be required to substantiate a claim.
Notice published 23 October 2020
What does Revocation mean?
Revocation means the official cancellation of a decree, decision or promise.
Why is Council revoking graves?
Mona Vale Cemetery is nearing full capacity for new grave sites. The revocation process allows us to identify and claim back unused graves that may have been forgotten or abandoned.
I bought two graves in 1982 - will these graves be affected by the revocation?
Only graves purchased more than 50 years ago (i.e. prior to 1970) and still unused can be "revoked" at the present time. The graves in the current list were purchased between 1934 and 1967. Council may undertake further revocation in the future if additional eligible graves remain unused but will be required to undertake all the same methods as those noted below to get in touch with owners.
Is Council trying to get in contact with the current owners of the graves involved?
Yes, Council is required to make reasonable efforts to contact the registered holder of the interment rights for the graves listed. This includes putting up signs at the cemetery, phoning the last known number and sending a letter to last known address (via registered post) and next of kin (if noted). We are also required to advertise in Local and State based newspapers, magazines and online newsletters and portals. Council is undertaking some additional historical research to track down possible descendants. However in some cases the only information we have is the name of the registered holder which makes tracing difficult.
Can former interment right holders get compensation if their grave is claimed and they come forward after it has been re-used?
Former holders can claim compensation up to 6 years after their right has been revoked and are entitled to receive a grave of equivalent value (if available) or monetary compensation equivalent to 50% of the fee to purchase an equivalent grave at the time they come forward. A standard "full monumental" interment site at Mona Vale Cemetery currently costs $12,470 so compensation would be $6,235 in the current financial year.