Family Day Care Educator
Family Day Care offers your family flexibility and your child a stimulating learning environment in a small, home environment, group.
Video text transcript
Script: Home can mean many things…
Children playing in the backyard of a home with their educator.
Script: Where you eat
Children sitting at a table eating and the educator putting food on their plate with tongs.
Script: Where you play
Children playing with blocks and hand puppets.
Script: Where you teach and they learn
Educator helping child wash their hands, child raising her hand to answer a question and small boy having his shoes put on by an educator.
Script: Become a Family Day Care educator
Script: And make your home, their home.
Children with educator playing with teacups and teapot.
Text on screen: Northern Beaches Council Family Day Care
Smiling children playing.
Text on screen: nswfdc.org.au/northernbeaches
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