Helpful websites & links
Some informative websites to help parents, carers and young people are listed below:
View our list of resources on:
- Sexual Assault - Information for children and young people
- What does consent and sexual assault mean?
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Mental health and wellbeing
Helpful websites & links
Some informative websites to help parents, carers and young people are listed below:
Staying Safe Online
eSafety – Parents, Carers, Students, Seniors and Educator packages
Bravehearts keeping kids safe online
Crimestoppers- eSafety and your child
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
Department of Education – supervising children online advice
Informative websites
If you need to speak to somebody immediately, call:
- Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800
- Lifeline 13 11 14