Sportsfield photo

Seasonal Allocation of a Sportsfield

What is an Allocation?

Each season, local sporting groups are allocated sportsfields for their sporting competitions and training activities. This process books the sportsfields from 4pm on the weekdays and 8am on the weekends for our sporting groups. An Allocation Document is prepared by Council at the start of each season, the allocations are a weekly pattern of use. View the Winter 2025 Allocation Document or Summer 2024/25 Allocation Document.

Further information on the allocation process, after hours issues, sharing load across a field, noise, seasonal changeover, synthetic sportsgrounds and more; can be viewed on the Northern Beaches Council Seasonal Sports User Manual and Conditions of Use for Allocated Sports.

Key Dates

The dates of each season are generally based on the following:

  • Winter - 1st Saturday in April to the last Sunday in August. 
  • Summer - 2nd Saturday in September to the 2nd last Sunday in March.

2024/2025 Summer Season: Saturday 14 September 2024 until Sunday 23 March 2025

2025 Winter Season - Saturday 5 April 2025 until Sunday 31 August 2025

Day-to-day use of the Sportsfields

Our sportsfield operations can be viewed on the Northern Beaches Council Seasonal Sports User Manual and Conditions of Use for Allocated Sports document.

Sportsfield Lighting

The sportsfields that have floodlighting, are operated through an automatic SMS text message from an authorised user’s mobile phone. Please use the Instructions for SMS control of the Sportsfield Lighting document for the lighting codes and to operate the lights via a mobile phone. Most lights are programmed to turn off at 9.30pm, sporting activities are to cease by 9.15pm to ensure all participants are safely off the field prior to the lights turning off. Lights should only be activated when your sport is actually on the field.

If two sports groups are using the same field in the evening and you are the second user, please ensure you activate your lights via SMS before the first user turns them off. If you do not activate the lights in time and they turn off, the lights cannot be activated until they are fully cooled which could take 20-30 minutes.

If there are any issues with the sportsfield lighting during use contact Council’s After Hours Officer on 1300 434 434, the Officer is authorised to turn on the lights and will discuss the option of arranging an electrician to attend the site if they cannot.

Please report/email any lighting issues to Open Space Bookings with all the relevant details as soon as possible (preferably by 10am the following morning) to allow us time to rectify the issue for the upcoming night.

The fees for the use of the lights are listed in the adopted fees and charges.

Wet Weather

Council may close a sportsfield due to wet weather or other ground conditions. All groups must confirm sportsfield availability prior to use, at the wet weather status Northern Beaches Council webpage. All use should be suspended or cancelled during adverse weather conditions such as electrical storms and excessively heavy rain. Wet weather information is updated on the following schedule:

  • Weekdays - 8am and 3pm
  • Weekends and public holidays - 7am

Line Marking

Council undertakes one line marking for each field at the start of the season based on each sports request. Ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of the allocated sports group. Any line marking undertaken by the sports groups may include a growth retardant such as Primo (at 2ml per litre). Herbicides which kill the grass such as Roundup and Buster are not to be used. 

Buildings, Toilets, Keys and Bins

Any group that occupies a building requires a formal agreement with Council. All allocated sports groups will have access to onsite amenities. It is the allocated sporting groups responsibility to ensure toilets are open and available for use at all times. View the Northern Beaches Council Sportsground Toilets, Keys and Cleansing Document for more information for each site.

All areas including canteens, change rooms, toilets and gates are clean, locked and lights turned off after use. There are specific bins allocated to sporting groups each season, these bins are to be kept in the assigned storage location, view the bins allocated to a Sportsground document for the details for each site. When required bins are to be placed around the field and brought in at the end of each day and locked in the storage location. Any issues with the buildings, toilets and bins should be reported to Council immediately.

Vehicle Access

Permission from Council is required for any vehicles to load and unload equipment at a sportsfield. Vehicles cannot park on a sportsfield (grass or synthetic) or surrounding areas without a formal permit. 

Vehicles must not block pathways or impede pedestrian access. Accessible car parking spaces and areas in front of our slip rails and/or emergency vehicle access gates must be kept clear at all times.

Risk Management

All sporting groups are responsibility for the safety of their participants and attendees. A risk assessment of the sportsfield and related facilities is to be undertaken prior to each use to ensure that they are safe and suitable for the intended activities.

Access to a Sportsfield

Access to a sportsfield can be impacted by a number of things including events, capital works and maintenance. The dates and times sportsfields are not available in the 2024 season are listed below, this may be altered at any time. Further information on capital works program affecting sportsfields webpage

SportsfieldDate/s and Times - not available (as of 30/01/2024)

Aquatic Reserve

  • Council Waste Re-use/Recycle Event will be held at the Aquatic Reserve Lower carpark on 28 to 31 March, 4 to 7 July and 5 to 8 September. Fields will still be available for use. 

Boondah Reserve

  • Due to works being carried out at the community centre there will only be 8 grass netball available for use on Boondah Reserve Field 5. Car parking as the community centre will also no longer be available. There will be no impact by the above works on the use of  Boondah Reserve Field 5A (soccer field).

Griffith Park

  • Major Event - Griffith Park is unavailable from 6am to 9:30am, Sunday 24 August 2025.

JFP – Denzil, Old Reub and Reub Hudson

  • Major Event - Denzil, Old Reub and Reub Hudson are allocated to Harbord Harlequins from 8am to 5pm on Sunday 27 July 2025.

JFP – Weldon, Mike Pawley, and Frank Gray 

  • Cricket has allocation until Sunday 30 March 2025.

Lakeside Park

  • Major Event - Lakeside Park is unavailable 17-18 April 2025

Lionel Watts 

  • Major Event - Lionel Watts Fields 1-5 are available for use on Saturday 7 September 2024 however parking will be limited due to a Major Event at the Frenchs Forest Showgrounds.

LM Graham Reserve

  • Cricket has allocation until Sunday 30 March 2025.

Manly Oval

  • Cricket has allocation until Sunday 30 March 2025.

Narrabeen Sports High School – Turf Field

  • Major Event - NSHS Turf Field is unavailable due to a Car Boot Sale, Sunday 25 May 2025 and Sunday 31 August 2025.
  • This field currently has limited availability due to work on the school grounds.

Newport Beach Netball Courts

  • Works - Newport Beach Netball Courts are unavailable during 2025 of the winter allocation period due to capital works / maintenance project.

North Narrabeen Reserve – Field 6

  • Major Event - North Narrabeen Reserve Field 6 is unavailable from 7am to 10:30am on Sunday 24 August 2025.

Old Barrenjoey Road Netball Courts

  • Works - Old Barrenjoey Road Netball Courts are unavailable during the 2025 winter allocation period due to capital works / maintenance project.

Seaforth Oval

  • Major Events - Seaforth Oval carpark is being used as overflow carpark for the following Council events - Taste of Manly 19-27/5/25; Winter Festival 18/4/25; and Manly Jazz 19-21/9/25.
  • Major Event - Finishes at Seaforth Oval on Sunday 1 June 2025.  Fields partially not available. Event Organiser will contact MWFA directly regarding shared use.

Tania Park

  • Major Event - Tania Park Fields 1, 2 & 3 are unavailable all Friday 18 April 2025.

Terrey Hills Oval

  • Major Event - Terrey Hills Oval fields 1 & 2 are unavailable Sunday 4 May 2025 from 10.30am - 3.30pm.

Permission from Council is required for any vehicles to access the sportsfield to load and unload equipment. Vehicles cannot park on any of the grassed areas of a sportsfield without a formal permit. 

Fees for Seasonal Use

There are a number Council adopted fees and charges that apply to seasonal sports groups. All allocated sports will be charged a sportsfield user fee per member for the use of the sportsfields. Use of the sportsfields before 4pm on weekdays must be booked and is subject to additional fees.

Summer Season 2024/25 Fees

Sportsfield user fee

(per player)

Seasonal use by community sports group – Junior players$15.60
Seasonal use by community sports group – Junior players – short season (up to a maximum of 12 weeks)$9.40
Seasonal use by community sports group – Senior players$21.10
Seasonal use by community sports group – Senior players – short season (up to a maximum of 12 weeks)$12.70


Contact information

Sportsfield enquiries
For enquiries in regard to sportsgrounds and other Council Sport and Recreation