See how our community and our economy are changing. Have more confidence in your business decisions or make your next school or research project stand out!
Insights from Statistics
Profile ID provide us with up-to-date snapshots presented in easy-to-use, interactive formats using the latest data sources including Census, Journey to Work and National Institute of Economy and Industry Research (NIEIR).
- Northern Beaches Economic Profile gives you a rundown of things like Gross Regional Product, local jobs, local businesses, employment, unemployment, population, building approvals, industry structure, and even journey to work time.
- Northern Beaches Community Profile provides a demographic breakdown including age, gender, ancestry, education, employment and housing information.
- Population Forecast estimates our growing population so we can predict impacts it might have, such as demand for services and housing.
- Social Atlas presents key Northern Beaches socio-demographic characteristics as interactive maps.
Destination NSW has a range of tourism data to help visitor economy businesses strengthen their marketing and business decisions.
Northern Beaches Business Sentiment Survey - run late 2023, this survey collected feedback from local businesses on the priority areas for Economic Development work in 2024.
Northern Beaches Visitor Survey Infographic (Conducted in January & March 2020, Manly & Palm Beach)
Manly Visitor Profile 2019 source through the International Visitors Survey and National Visitors Survey, supplied by Tourism Research Australia