Looking to participate in a course or activity on the Northern Beaches?
We have a diverse range of activities and courses held in 38 Community Centres across the Northern Beaches.
Some activities listed only operate in school terms. Please see each listing for details or contact the group itself for more information.
To update your listing please email CommunityCentres@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
In addition to the Directory below, our Culture Map Live can help you find cultural and creative resources and activities near you. You can also add your activity on the map.
Please note the below listing is only for hirers of Community Centres.
Forest Toastmasters
Want to overcome your public speaking nerves and develop confidence or your leadership skills? Come check us out. Second, fourth and fifth Thursdays at 6.45 for 7pm start.
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Feldenkrais Awareness though Movement Classes
Gentle guided floor classes that explore an endless range of functional movement patterns to reduce strain and improve mobility.
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Elanora Players Incorporated
Staging community theatre on northern beaches for over 54 years, with four productions per annum in school holiday breaks.
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Easy Does It Yoga & Dynamic Hatha Yoga
Easy Does Yoga cares for beginner to intermediate & injury management. Dynamic Hatha focuses on strength, stretch and breath.
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Designed for individuals who are seeking an activity for the body and brain through a fun, physical, and creative outlet.
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Dance North Academy
Providing quality dance classes in all styles of dance for 2.5 years to adults, recreational to pre professional training.
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Dance Classes
Offering wonderful, fun Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary Dance Classes for ages 2.5years to adults.
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Manly Computer Pals
Manly Computer Pals tutor seniors at their own pace, to use their computer and digital device/s either in the clubroom or online (either 1-on-1 or in groups).
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Christine's Happy Tapping
Adult tap dancing classes.
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C3 SYD Avalon
Join us every Sunday 10am for Church in the heart of Avalon. Kids & Youth programs are available, there's something for everyone.