If you are a custodian of an important piece of history, Council can provide advice on your property’s significance and give guidance from a specialist architect.
Making changes
You can develop but not demolish a listed building. You can modernise it but must respect its heritage significance. Submit a Development Application (including your Statement of Heritage Impact) for any changes you want to make.
Local Heritage Fund
Small grants of between $200 and $3000 are available to help conserve the heritage values of buildings and other items. You can use a grant for structural repairs, painting external walls, reinstating, windows, verandahs and decorative elements or repairing fences, drainage and bridges. Priority is given to works which save buildings from deterioration. Thank you for your interest in the Local Heritage Fund. However the fund is currently closed and this grant will not be run in the 2024-25 year. Find out more.
Resources for heritage owners
The NSW Heritage Office has comprehensive information including the benefits of heritage listing for owners, technical advice for maintenance and lists of heritage consultants and tradespeople. Council also has a specialist heritage architect you can consult.
Researching a heritage item
The NSW Heritage Office holds the State Heritage Inventory. You can search by suburb or local government area to find information on a particular heritage item and its significance. The Local Studies section of Manly and Mona Vale libraries is a valuable source of research and information on the early development of our area.