Finding community volunteering opportunities on the Northern Beaches is easy when there are so many organisations who will welcome your support. Age is no barrier, and you’re sure to find something you love doing.
Northern Beaches Council has a range of opportunities for volunteers whether you're interested in helping out at events, with environmental projects or getting involved in art exhibitions. Read more
If you are from a community organisation and don't see your group listed here please contact our web team.
Council has provided links below about these community groups in good faith. Council does not purport to advocate or endorse these organisations and volunteers should conduct their own due diligence before deciding to join a community group. Council does not guarantee and accepts no responsibility or legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to the activities of these organisations or the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any information they provide.
Useful links
- Australian Red Cross
- Avalon Computer Pals
- Be Centre
- Boomerang Bags
- Cancer Council NSW
- CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay
- Centre for Volunteering
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance
- Community Northern Beaches
- Computer Pals for Seniors - Northern Beaches
- EarlyEd (early intervention for children with disability)
- Easylink Community Transport
- Elanora Girl Guides
- Go Volunteering
- Hammond Palliative Care
- Harbord Scouts
- Hardi Aged Care
- Lifeline Northern Beaches
- Making Meditation Mainstream
- Manly Computer Pals
- Manly Penguin Wardens
- Marine Rescue Radio Operators
- Men's Kitchen Association
- Monika's Doggie Rescue
- MS Community Visitors Scheme
- MWP Care
- Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew
- Northern Beaches Community Connect
- Northern Beaches Rotaract Club
- NSW Rural Fire Service
- NSW Volunteering
- One Meal
- Peninsula Seniors Toy Recyclers
- Permaculture Northern Beaches
- Proveda
- Radio Northern Beaches
- Raise Foundation Youth Mentoring
- Reach Out
- Sailability Manly
- The Salvation Army Aged Care
- Volunteer in Policing (VIP)
- Save the Children Australia (Op Shop in Dee Why)
- Seaforth Public School Kitchen Garden
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- State Emergency Services
- Surf Life Saving NSW
- Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (North Fort Visitor Centre)
- Volunteering Australia
- WIRES Wildlife Rescue