Planning controls for Phase One commenced on 1 June 2022. You can now lodge a Development Application. Refer to our development applications page for information on pre-lodgement meetings and how to lodge your application.
Frenchs Forest is home to the new, state-of-the-art Northern Beaches Hospital. Located at the corner of Warringah Road, Wakehurst Parkway and Frenchs Forest Road West, the hospital and associated road upgrades represents a significant investment in state infrastructure valued at $1 billion.
Given the scale of the development, the area surrounding the Northern Beaches Hospital has been identified as a Strategic Centre and Health and Education Precinct in the metropolitan planning for the Greater Sydney region.
Since 2014, Council has been planning for the future of the precinct through the preparation of the Hospital Precinct Structure Plan (Structure Plan). Adopted by Council on 1 August 2017, the Structure Plan provides the strategic land use planning framework for Frenchs Forest over the next 20 years.
The Structure Plan sets the vision for Frenchs Forest as it transitions into a Strategic Centre and identifies appropriate land use mixes taking into account environmental, social, economic, traffic, transport and accessibility issues.
The Structure Plan proposes a phased approach to the development of the precinct, which is based on the provision of improved transport infrastructure and a continued modal shift from private to public transport. Over the next 20 years, the Structure Plan proposes the phased delivery of approximately 5,360 dwellings and 2,300 new jobs.
In response to the State Government’s $1 billion investment in public infrastructure for Frenchs Forest, the former Warringah Council resolved in 2013 to prepare the Hospital Precinct Structure Plan for the area around the new hospital site. The purpose of this plan was to ensure that appropriate consideration was given to the long term planning of the area and to guide future development.
Keenly aware of the previous State Government planning process in 2011, Council concentrated on increasing community input and ownership to understand many of the project’s land use planning challenges. Council undertook an award winning three-stage engagement approach with the goal to encourage maximum community input and foster community ownership of the overall land use planning process.
Detailed analysis for the Structure Plan was carried out over a four-year period (2014 to 2017) culminating in an actively engaged community and an adopted Structure Plan for the Frenchs Forest precinct.
On 1 June 2017, Frenchs Forest was declared a 'Priority Precinct' by the NSW Government. The Department of Planning and Environment led the precinct planning for the Phase One area of Council's Structure Plan in collaboration with Council and relevant state agencies. Changes to Council's planning framework were recommended based on more detailed planning work and community feedback. For more information, view the NSW Government's Frenchs Forest 2041 Place Strategy.
Latest update
Rezoning of Phase One and the new planning controls were finalised on 1 June 2022. Development applications can be lodged.
The rezoning package was finalised by the NSW Government on 17 December 2021 and includes the Frenchs Forest 2041 Place Strategy and Special Infrastructure Contributions (SIC) scheme. The Place Strategy delivers 2,000 new homes (1,000 of these in the town centre; 1,000 in the adjacent residential areas) with a range of housing including duplexes, terraces and apartments; and homes for essential workers such as nurses and paramedics.
The SIC provides up to $37.3 million to pay for the required infrastructure including roads, public transport infrastructure, pedestrian and cycling paths, health facilities, emergency services, schools and open space improvements.
Council has finalised its supporting planning documents including the Northern Beaches Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme and Tenancy Guidelines, and amendment to Warringah Development Control Plan 2011 – Part G9 Frenchs Forest Town Centre.
Council's supporting planning documents include the Northern Beaches Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme and Tenancy Guidelines and amendment to the Warringah Development Control Plan 2021 - Part G9 Frenchs Forest Town Centre.
Council adopted the Frenchs Forest Town Centre Contributions Plan at the meeting on 24 May 2022. This plan came into force on 1 June 2022.
Phase Two and Three of Council's Structure Plan are reliant on the delivery of state infrastructure items and will only go ahead once there is commitment on the delivery of significant regional road works, including the proposed Beaches Link Tunnel, and/ore an east-west rapid transport (BRT) system from Chatswood to Dee Why.
More information
To learn more about this project, please contact Council’s Strategic and Place Planning Team on 1300 434 434 or council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au