Brookvale is a suburb in the Northern Beaches region of Sydney, approximately 16km northeast of the Sydney Central Business District (CBD). Brookvale is a key strategic centre within the Northern Beaches and is the largest employment hub and most accessible centre on the Northern Beaches. Known for its significant concentration of industrial land (86 hectares), it supports diverse local jobs and services. Recently, Brookvale has gained recognition for its growing micro-brewery industry, emerging arts scene, and innovative small businesses. The precinct is well-connected to the Sydney CBD via a major road network and high-frequency B-line bus services.
The Brookvale Structure Plan was initiated in 2015 by the former Warringah Council (now Northern Beaches Council) to address growing community and media interest on the potential for Brookvale. It has undergone extensive community consultation with two iterations of the draft document to reflect feedback and evolving economic circumstances. On 28 November 2023, Council adopted the final Brookvale Structure Plan, proposing the delivery of 1,350 new dwellings and 900 jobs over the next 15 years.
The plan will shape the future development of Brookvale over the next 15 years. More than 1,350 new homes will be built, with at least 5 per cent set aside as affordable homes, and 900 jobs created under the new plan.
There will be more diverse housing, including much needed affordable housing, in one of the most accessible areas on the Northern Beaches.
Highlights of the plan include:
- support for 900 new jobs including high quality office space
- 5,000sqm town square/greenspace and improvements to streetscapes
- 1,350 new homes, delivering more diverse and affordable housing options for the area
- a new town centre around the B-line stop
- 2,000-2,500sqm of community facilities in the proposed town square
- improved pedestrian and bike connectivity throughout Brookvale.
The plan balances the need for parking in future development in Brookvale as well as promoting the use of sustainable forms of transport. It is underpinned by rigorous traffic, transport, employment and housing studies and strategies. Feedback from extensive community consultation has also been taken into consideration in developing the final plan.
Latest update
Council has commenced the implementation of the Structure Plan which involves the preparation of a large number of technical studies to support the preparation of a Planning Proposal, Development Control Plan and Section 7.11 Contribution Plan.
More information
To learn more about this project, please contact Council’s Strategic and Place Planning Team on 1300 434 434 or council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au