Most new property developments will require a vehicle crossing from the street to the property over Council’s footpath. Find out about the requirements, locate a specialised contractor and book the required Council inspections.
Application to Undertake Construction
Before constructing a driveway you need to complete an application form to undertake construction.
This application excludes the construction of retaining walls, stairs and other structures, for these please refer to the application for Infrastructure Works on Council Roadway (if associated with a development application) or the application for a Minor Encroachment on a Road Reserve (if not associated with a development application).
Authorised Concrete Contractors
Northern Beaches Council has an approved list of authorised concrete vehicular contractors who can build your driveway.
All constructions require inspections by Council and you can book these online or by calling Council’s Development Engineering Section (1300 434 434) three working days before the inspection. Generally, your Council approved vehicle crossing contractor arranges formwork inspections.
Complying Development Certificates (CDCs)
All driveways must serve an existing or an approved parking facility. In accordance with S1.18(e) of the SEPP Exempt and Complying Development Code, before the CDC is issued by the Certifier, the driveway and any works in the road reserve will need to be approved by the relevant Roads Authority which in most instances is Council. The applicant will be required to provide the following additional information to ensure an approved parking facility will be provided:
- Contact details of the Private Certifier.
- Plans for the proposed development.
- Complying Development Certificate (CDC) reference number.
- Written confirmation from your Private Certifier stating that the proposed development meets the standards of the Exempt & Complying Development Code, and a CDC will be issued subject to Council approving the driveway crossing application.
Low Rise Housing Diversity Code
Council as the Roads Authority will always consider the public interest when assessing any application, including those made under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code. Compliance with the relevant standards for works within the property boundary for a complying development does not guarantee a driveway approval will be issued by Council in the preferred form of the applicant.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Council with draft plans for driveway approval prior to proceeding with a detailed design of their development to minimise costs and time associated with redesign due to driveway refusal.
For dual occupancies and attached dwellings, Council will only permit 1 shared driveway per predeveloped lot unless assessed and approved on merit. Developments shall generally have a shared central driveway for the following reasons:
- Driveways should be located and spaced to maximise on-street kerbside parking. Reducing existing on-street parking will not be approved unless the site is located in areas of extremely low parking demand (Public Amenity).
- Minimises the impact to street trees and retains a higher level of permeable (grassed) road reserve (Environmental Impact).
- Minimises the number of interactions for pedestrians, cyclists and road users with driveways (Public Safety).
Vehicle Crossings/Driveways over Council Property
The vehicle crossing is the access required from the street to your property, over Council’s footpath area. Generally, every property that has a Council approved car space/s (garage/carport etc.) requires a vehicle crossing to facilitate vehicle access over the road reserve.
Standards for Vehicle Crossings
The standard width requirement for driveways is 3.0 metres. If a driveway is for a corner block, it should begin at least 6 metres from the corner. The 6 metres are measured from the tangent point of the kerb. Council’s standard for vehicle crossings is full width plain concrete. Asphalt, pavers, coloured, exposed aggregate, pebblecrete, stencilled and stamped concrete are no longer approved on Council’s road reserve.
Driveways on your Property
A standard single width driveway (3 metres) on your property may be exempt development. Other variations for example, double width driveways, could be classed as car parking and will require a development application.
Driveway Profiles
If the vehicle crossing levels are issued with the Development Consent, a driveway profile reference number will be listed in your conditions of consent. To obtain a copy of the relevant profile, you can download the relevant document above. If the profile you are after is not available, contact the Customer Service Centre, Planning and Development Enquiries. For the reconstruction of a driveway, where a development consent was not issued, the Development Engineer will inspect the site and issue the driveway profile levels.
Application for Street Levels
Before making changes to your driveway, an application for street levels form must be completed and lodged with Council by mail, or in person at the Council's Customer Service Centre with the relevant inspection fee listed in Council's fees and charges. Once this application has been received, Council’s development engineers will carry out an inspection of the driveway and issue the appropriate levels. You must then book an inspection with Council’s Development Engineering Section before laying the formwork. An application for street levels will only be approved when replacing an existing crossing or a condition of development consent requires the construction of a vehicle crossing.
Who can construct the Vehicle Crossing?
Only Council approved vehicle crossing contractors may construct vehicle crossings and undertake associated works. No one else is allowed to carry out excavation or any other part of this work.
Who pays for the Vehicle Crossing?
Council does not fund the reconstruction of vehicle crossings. If the damage is caused by a Council asset, (tree, stormwater, etc) please send a letter to Council’s Works department for consideration of your damages claim.
How do I book a formwork inspection with Council?
To book a vehicle crossing inspection simply fill out this form. A Council Development Engineering Officer will contact you to confirm your inspection time.
Making Changes to your Vehicle Crossing
An approval to construct a vehicle crossing on Council’s footpath is required under Section 138 of the Road Act 1993.
If you wish to re-instate your vehicle crossing, you will be required to lodge an application for street levels with Council.
If you wish to make changes to your vehicle access, for example you wish to change the location of the vehicular crossing; you may be required to lodge a development application to Council. This is because your existing vehicle crossing utilises an approved car parking space and you may need development approval for a new car parking space.
For more information regarding these issues, contact customer service on 1300 434 434. If a development application is required an application for street levels is to be made prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate.
How to become an Approved Vehicle Crossing Contractor?
If you wish to become an approved contractor, contact Council on 1300 434 434 or complete form #4026
Why does Council require a Road Damage Inspection Fee?
In order to ensure that no damage has been incurred, Council is required to carry out a road damage inspection before and after the construction process. To cover the costs associated with this service, a road damage inspection fee is required and its payment will be a condition of the Development Consent also. The road damage inspection fee is not refundable.
Payment of the Builders Road/Kerb Security Deposit Bond and Road Damage Inspection Fee
If required by the Development Consent, the builders road/ kerb security deposit bond and road damage inspection fee will need to be paid to Council prior to the issue of any construction certificate.
When paying the builder’s road/ kerb security deposit bond you must complete the application form "Builders road/kerb security deposit form" and lodge it with Council by mail, fax or in person at a Customer Service Centre with the bond payment. Bank guarantees are accepted.
Refund of the Builders Road/Kerb Security Deposit Bond
Providing there has been no damage to Council’s infrastructure and/or all requested repairs have been completed, the builder’s road/ kerb security deposit bond will be returned automatically when Council or the Private Accredited Certifier issues the final occupation certificate.
Refund of other Engineering Bonds (Silt & Sedimentation, Transportation, Subdivision, etc.)
Once the engineering works are complete, you may make a request in writing to Council for a bond refund, along with a copy of bond payment receipt or bank guarantee.