Our Occasional Care Service at Brookvale Children's Centre provides flexible care for children from 6 weeks to 6 years. Children are cared for in their age group in an inclusive, safe environment and they learn through planned and spontaneous play experiences.
Registering for Occasional Care
If this is the first time you have used Occasional Care, please complete the online registration. You will need to attach your child's Immunisation History Statement to the Registration.
Cost and opening hours
The centre is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday to Friday
The fee for occasional care is $24 per hour or $128 for a full day.
How to book and pay
Bookings can be made for one or more hours up to a full day.
Places are limited. You can book no more than a week ahead.
Bookings can be made by phoning 9942 2428.
Payment is taken over the phone by providing either credit/debit card or bank details at the time of booking.
All child care services require a copy of your child’s Immunisation History. If you didn’t include this with your online registration, you will need to provide an electronic version at the time of booking.
You can get a copy through Medicare Online Services, at your local Services Australia Centre or by calling the Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809.
Food and drink
Please provide, in labelled containers, plenty of food and drinks for the time your child is in care. We’d appreciate it if you would avoid including any lollies or popcorn that could pose a choking hazard for younger children. To support us in promoting healthy choices, we also ask parents to avoid packing ‘junk’ food.
Occasional Care is nut free. We cannot allow any nuts or nut products in our centre. This includes peanut butter and muesli bars or other food that might contain nut traces. Please be mindful when packing food not to include anything that might cause an allergic reaction to other children attending the centre.
Clothes and nappies
You’ll need to pack a full change of clothing including socks and sun hat in a named bag. It’s a good idea to have all of your child’s belongings clearly labelled with a name tag. Include at least two disposable nappies if your child uses them. Sunscreen should be applied before arrival.
Other costs
A $19.00 cancellation fee will apply for cancellations before 8:30 am on the booked day of care, otherwise the full fee is due.
A late fee applies if your child is collected more than 5 minutes after the booked departure time.
Contact information
Call 02 9942 2428