Did you know that 38% of rubbish in NSW garbage bins is food waste and that 20% of the food Australians thrown out is because they buy too much or don’t store their food correctly? Once in landfill, food waste produces greenhouse gases that impact on our environment.
You can help stop wasting food by planning your meals, shop to a list, buy fruit and vegetables locally and in season (they’ll last longer), store food correctly so it stays fresh longer, use leftovers, preserve or pickle excess veg & fruit and freeze excess food.
Still have food scraps? Try composting, keeping chickens or join ShareWaste a community run food scrap recycling initiative.
Alternatively try your local community garden, please contact the garden first to check whether they are currently accepting food waste.
Visit Love Food Hate Waste for inspiring tips on how to reduce your food waste.
How to reduce food waste videos

Composting and worm farming
Composting and worm farming are great alternatives to disposing of your food waste in the rubbish bin while creating quality fertiliser for your pot plants and garden.

Keeping backyard chickens
Chickens love your food waste and they give you free, fresh free-range eggs while also making great pets for your kids. Watch our video on how to keep chickens in your backyard.
Check you comply with regulations when housing chickens.